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The BrilliantMont Elementary Program seeks to develop in our children through a holistic and balanced manner their cognitive, physical, emotional and social aspects. It provides engaging, syllabus-based pursuits that promote basic literacy, numeracy and artistry.

At BM, we work towards developing highly motivated students capable of meeting and overcoming challenges through exceptional academic competency, character development, athletic endeavors, artistic exposure and community involvement.

We offer a refreshing alternative to methodical education, ensuring that our children become participants more than spectators inside the classroom and in the world in general. We utilize a mixed curriculum, using the best of different educational programs. We are supported by teachers who have a proven passion for education with even greater passion for the love of God. With these, our children will be better equipped to handle the rigors of higher learning in the coming years.

Middle School

Physical education is designed to help each student develop and maintain an acceptable level of physical fitness through a variety of exercises, sports, and cooperative games. This program focuses on equipping students with good sportsmanship, teamwork, and positive skill development.

Pre-Robotics introduces students to electrical engineering principles through applications of semiconductor devices and circuits. Students will also be exposed to LOcoRobo robotics and mechanical engineering concepts. Upon completion, students should be able to construct, analyze, verify, and troubleshoot various circuits, robotic mechanisms, and code. IPAD is required.

In language arts, students will review and learn the writing traits. Many writing genres will be covered and conventions will be reinforced throughout the year. The students will be able to identify poetic elements and create a poetry portfolio reflecting upon their writing. Students will learn the basic skills to write various types of essays. Vocabulary will be expanded through Word of the Day. Students will have ongoing opportunities to present their work throughout the year.

Life science is the study of all living creatures and the environment that contributes to their way of life. This course is designed to provide the student with an extensive base of knowledge, understanding, and appreciation in this field. This includes the studies of the various cells in our body, organisms, plants, and the human body.


This course focuses on active reading and writing while making the reading/writing connection through text-to-text, text-to-self, and text-to-world reflections. Students will read at least three novels and a variety of short stories as well as independent reading. There is a strong emphasis on reading comprehension, strategies for higher-level thinking, and reflecting upon their reading.

The curriculum of Math covers numerous areas including problem-solving, decimals, multiplication and division, fractions, geometry, probability, and algebra.

The purpose of Bible Class is to encourage students to explore their faith and their relationship with God and with one another. Students use a student book that encourages active learning. This will explore God’s Word, focusing on major accounts of the Bible, starting with Creation and continuing through Jesus’s ascension. Students will use the NIV Bible.

This course covers a wide variety of subjects beginning with ancient civilizations including Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, Rome, and India. During this time, students will also mummify chickens and participate in the Roman Games. Throughout the course, the students will do a variety of hands-on activities during each unit.

The Curriculum We Offer for Middle School


  • Language Arts 6
  • Literature 6
  • English 7
  • Advanced English 7
  • English 8
  • Advanced English 8


  • Math IIA 6th Grade
  • Math II 6th Grade
  • Adv. Pre-Algebra 6
  • Math Lab MS 7th and 8th Grade
  • Math IIB 7th
  • Pre-Algebra
  • Pre-Algebra 8th Grade
  • Algebra I MS
  • Geometry Honors 8th Grade
  • Algebra I Honors

Physical Education

  • Boys PE MS
  • PE 6
  • Competitive PE
  • Dance I MS
  • Dance II MS
  • Dance III MS
  • Sports Fundamentals
  • Girls PE MS
  • Health Ed

Social Studies

  • American History
  • Globalization
  • Honors American History/We the People
  • Social Studies 6


  • Life Science 6
  • Earth Science 7
  • Pre-STEM Earth Science 7
  • Physical Science 8
  • Pre-STEM Physical Science 8

The Curriculum We Offer for Middle School

Music and Performing Arts

  • Beginning Band
  • Beginning Orchestra
  • Concert Band
  • Intermediate Band
  • Intermediate Orchestra
  • MS Guitar
  • Chorus MS
  • MS Musical Theatre
  • Musical Theatre MS
  • Piano Lab MS
  • Drama
  • Drama MS
  • Competitive Robotics
  • Pre-Robotics
  • Film and Literature
  • Technical Theatre and Performance Techniques

Technology and Robotics

  • Pre-Robotics
  • Competitive Robotics
  • Intro to Film/Computer Game Programming
  • Robotics

Art and Culture

  • Cultural Art
  • Greenhouse Agriculture
  • The Graphic Novel

Language and Literature

  • Spanish I 8th
  • Spanish IA
  • Spanish IB
  • Photography 7/8
  • Yearbook MS

Additional Offerings

  • Explore Track 1
  • Explore Track 2
  • Dance I MS
  • News Broadcasting MS
  • Praise Band MS

Why We Believe

Do you want to know how to take a stand for the truth of the Bible? Then this is the class for you! Why We Believe is a course that seeks to help students defend exactly that question. I Peter 3:15 notes that we must always be prepared to give a defense to everyone who asks for the reason for the hope that is in us through Jesus, our Savior.

Learning Objectives for Development

  1. Social
  2. Physical
  3. Emotional
  4. Cognitive
  5. Christian religion
  6. Language
  7. Science
  8. Mathematics
  9. Social Sciences
  10. Technology
  11. Literacy
  12. Social welfare


Upon enrolling your child at BrilliantMont, he is embarking on a life of academic excellence grounded on the inspired Word of God, the Bible. Here, we offer your child a safer, disciplined place to grow, learn and socialize. We focus on achieving a dynamic balance between academic and social development. Our children’s safety and overall well-being is never compromised.

At BM, our teachers are fully dedicated towards enriching our children’s young Christian soul by providing an environment of joyful learning based on the teachings of Jesus Christ. We lay down the principles for basic academics through teacher-guided activities, giving them many opportunities to practice new skills, offering them to become more independent thinkers and providing them directions and information using songs, stories and play.

After School

At BM, learning does not stop when the last bell of the day rings. It extends after class time. We provide numerous after-school activities that offer your children an equal balance of learning and play. Your young ones will be given the chance to form and maintain friendships, discover more of the world around them, and develop into the fine individuals they were destined to be in a safe, nurturing environment. Our academy promotes their physical, emotional, intellectual, social, and spiritual growth.

BM High School Course Summaries: English

Course Title Grade Course Description Prerequisites
English 9 H 9 This course focuses on basic grammar, reading, and composition skills. Students will further develop reading comprehension and read novels of their choice for enjoyment through a reading workshop. This course also aims to establish a solid foundation in grammar, usage, library skills, types of literature, discussion, composition, and oral presentation. Students also study vocabulary and learn to identify and use the parts of the sentence and different phrases. The writing program includes personal, imaginative, and analytical assignments.
English 10 H 10 English 10 honors are a comprehensive study of the language arts. This course continues the composition study introduced in English 9 H from a deep and broad perspective. The reading assignments are designed to enhance student’s understanding and appreciation of literature. By reading and discussing poems, plays, and novels students will learn an interpretive approach applicable to all great works of literature. Techniques in style will be studied, and grammar, usage, mechanics, spelling, and vocabulary will be reviewed as needed through student writing. English 9 H
AP approval from the Academic Dean
AP English Lit. & Comp 12 An AP English Literature and Composition course engages students in the careful reading and critical analysis of imaginative literature. Through the close reading of selected texts, students deepen their understanding of the ways writers use language to provide both meaning and pleasure for their readers. As they read, students consider a work’s structure, style, and themes, as well as such smaller-scale elements as the use of figurative language, imagery, symbolism, and tone. AP Approval (Academic Dean)
AP English Lang. & Comp 11 This course focuses on the study and discussion of British literature, drama, and other fine arts. Novels and short stories in conjunction with creative writing projects will be presented. Students will participate in oral and written analysis of works studied in class and will also complete outside reading, projects, and research. English 10
AP approval from the Academic Dean

BM High School Course Summaries: Mathematics

Course Title Grade Course Description Prerequisites
Algebra 1 Honors 7-9 This one-year course is designed for highly motivated students committed to challenging coursework. It is intended to increase mathematical fluency in problem-solving, logic, reasoning, and effective communication in the study of patterns, functions, and algebra. This course builds on the concepts of rational and irrational numbers, data analysis, probability, geometry, measurement, spatial relationships, patterns, and algebraic concepts. Emphasis will be placed on abstract algebraic methods and strategies for solving complex problems. Instructional practices incorporate integration of diversity awareness including appreciation of all cultures and their important contributions to society. The use of technology, including calculators and computer software, is an integral part of this course. This course will fulfill the algebra requirement and one of the mathematics credits required for high school graduation. Pre-Algebra, AP approval from the Academic Dean
Geometry Honors 8-10 This is the study of basic figures and shapes in the plane and space. It is simple deductive reasoning applied methodically to points, lines, and planes while developing relationships and applications to other geometric figures. This study will cover triangles, quadrilaterals, regular polygons, and circles; congruence and similarity of the same basic shapes will be included; simple treatment of inequalities; special constructions and the related loci; areas and volumes. Algebra 1, AP approval from the Academic Dean
Algebra 2 Honors 9-11 This college prep mathematics class includes the study of simplifying expressions and solving equations involving powers, roots, and complex numbers; the study of functions including polynomials, rational, radical, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric; the study of the transformations of these functions and their graphs; the study of function operation including inverses and composition; the study of sequences and series; and the study of statistics. In this course, there is also an emphasis on modeling in the real world with functions. Geometry, AP approval from the Academic Dean
Pre-Calculus Honors 10-12 Honors (Prerequisite: passed Algebra 1 and 2, Geometry) This class is designed to prepare students for the AP Calculus and the SAT and ACT exams. Topics investigated are sequences, methods for solving equations and inequalities, polynomials and rational functions, graphing and identifying characteristics of specific functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, trigonometry, conic sections, and matrices. Students can expect to spend about an hour at night on homework to master each of the above topics. It is highly recommended that each student has their own TI graphing calculator. Algebra 2, AP approval from the Academic Dean
AP Calculus AB 10-12 (Prerequisite: passed Pre-Calculus with a grade no lower than a B) AP Calculus AB is roughly equivalent to a first-semester college calculus course devoted to topics in differential and integral calculus. The AP course covers topics in these areas, including concepts and skills of limits, derivatives, definite integrals, and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. The course teaches students to approach calculus concepts and problems when they are represented graphically, numerically, analytically, and verbally, and to make connections amongst these representations. Students learn how to use technology to help solve problems, experiment, interpret results, and support conclusions. Pre-requisite: Completed 4 years of high school mathematics including the topics in algebra, geometry, algebra 2, and pre-calculus. AP approval (Academic Dean)
AP Calculus BC 11-12 (Prerequisite: passed AP Calculus AB with a grade no lower than a B). This course will prepare students for the Calculus BC test with an AB subscore. Calculus AB is equivalent to Calculus 1, and Calculus BC is equivalent to Calculus 2. An AB sub-score is seen as the same as an AB score. Students can also opt to take only the Calculus AB test; however, this is not the intention of the course. Topics investigated include functions and limits, differentiation techniques and applications, integration techniques and applications, and polynomial approximations and series, including Maclaurin and Taylor series. You can expect to have about an hour of homework each night, including Fridays. It is highly recommended that each student has their own TI graphing calculator. AP approval (Academic Dean)
AP Statistics 11-12 AP Statistics is the high school equivalent of a one-semester, introductory college statistics course. In this course, students develop strategies for collecting, organizing, analyzing, and drawing conclusions from data. Students design, administer, and tabulate results from surveys and experiments. Probability and simulations aid students in constructing models for chance behavior. Sampling distributions provide the logical structure for confidence intervals and hypothesis tests. Students use a TI-83/84 graphing calculator and will be using statistical software (TBD). To develop effective statistical communication skills, students are required to prepare frequent written and oral analyses of real data. AP approval (Academic Dean)

BM High School Course Summaries: Natural Science

Course Title Grade Course Description Prerequisites
Biology Honors 8 Biology is the study of living organisms using the inquiry approach. Through the use of laboratory techniques, class discussions, cooperative learning, current events, and independent work, the student will develop an appreciation and understanding of the following: modern biological concepts: microscopy, cytology, biochemistry, genetics, evolution, taxonomy, microbiology, animal and plant anatomy and physiology, and ecology. AP approval from the Academic Dean
Chemistry Honors 10 The goals of this chemistry course are for students to learn the facts, formulas, and principles that compose the standard high school curriculum. Students will also understand the basic concepts underlying the facts, formulas, and principles. Students will develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills, not only to use in chemistry but, by extension, to use in everyday life. AP approval from the Academic Dean
Physics Honors 11-12 This course is directed toward the applied aspects of physics. Emphasis will be directed to the application of major principles to everyday experiences. The following topics will be of major concern during the year: Forces and Motion, Energy and Heat, The Conservation Laws, Forces in Nature, Properties of Matter, Electrical Systems, Wave Motion, Sound and Light, and Atomic Energy. The course includes group discussions, films, labs, and tests. “Hands-on” experiments will be emphasized; visual means for problem-solving will be stressed. AP approval from the Academic Dean
AP Biology 10-12 The AP Biology course covers topics typically found in a first-year college biology course and advances the student’s understanding of concepts normally covered in high school biology. It provides a solid preparation for the AP Biology exam. AP approval from the Academic Dean
AP Chemistry 11-12 This course is a college-level course that uses advanced algebra and trigonometry as the primary tools for problem-solving. The course covers topics in mechanics, waves, sound, light, electricity, magnetism, fluids, thermodynamics, optics, quantum theory, and nuclear physics. AP approval from the Academic Dean

BM High School Course Summaries: Social Science / Social Studies

Course Title Grade Course Description Prerequisites
World History 10 The purpose of the AP World History course is to develop a greater understanding of the evolution of global processes and contacts in different types of human societies. This understanding is advanced through a combination of selective factual knowledge and appropriate analytical skills. The course highlights the nature of changes in global frameworks and their causes and consequences, as well as comparisons among major societies. It emphasizes relevant factual knowledge, leading interpretive issues, and skills in analyzing types of historical evidence. Periodization, explicitly discussed, forms an organizing principle to address change and continuity throughout the course. Specific themes provide further organization to the course, along with consistent attention to contacts among societies that form the core of world history as a field of study. AP approval (Academic Dean)
AP US History 11 This course prepares students for the Advanced Placement examination in American History. It will give students a thorough treatment of the facts as well as their significance, context, causes, and results. Besides essential, primary, and factual information, this course also seeks to introduce students to a variety of major historical issues, types of historical evidence, and interpretations. How to conclude historical events is also emphasized in this course. AP approval (Academic Dean)
AP U.S. Government 12 This course will cover the scope of the US Government from the basic structure to how politics influences government today. Strong emphasis is placed on analysis and writing skills needed for the free response section of the exam, including student research and classroom lecture/discussion to foster an understanding of the workings of government. Students will have a working knowledge of the American System, Politics of Public Policy, and The Nature of American Democracy. AP approval (Academic Dean)

BM High School Course Summaries: Electives/AP

Course Title Grade Course Description Prerequisites
AP Seminar 10-11 AP Seminar is a foundational course that engages students in cross-curricular conversations that explore the complexities of academic and real-world topics and issues by analyzing divergent perspectives. Using an inquiry framework, students practice reading and analyzing articles, research studies, and foundational, literary, and philosophical texts; listening to and viewing speeches, broadcasts, and personal accounts; and experiencing artistic works and performances. Students learn to synthesize information from multiple sources, develop their perspectives in written essays, and design and deliver oral and visual presentations, both individually and as part of a team. Ultimately, the course aims to equip students with the power to analyze and evaluate information with accuracy and precision to craft and communicate evidence-based arguments. AP approval (Academic Dean)
AP Research 12 AP Research allows students to deeply explore an academic topic, problem, or issue of individual interest. Through this exploration, students design, plan, and conduct a year-long research-based investigation to address their research question. In the AP Research course, students build upon skills acquired in the AP Seminar course by understanding research methodology, employing ethical research practices, and accessing, analyzing, and synthesizing information as they address their research questions. Students explore their skill development, document their processes, and curate the artifacts of the development of their scholarly work in a portfolio. The course culminates in an Academic Paper of approximately 4000–5000 words and a Presentation with an Oral Defense. AP approval (Academic Dean)
AP Microeconomics 11-12 The purpose of the AP course in microeconomics is to give students a thorough understanding of the principles of economics that apply to the functions of individual decision-makers, both consumers and producers, within the economic system. It places primary emphasis on the nature and functions of product markets and includes the study of factor markets and the role of government in promoting greater efficiency and equity in the economy. AP approval (Academic Dean)
AP Macroeconomics 11-12 The purpose of the AP course in macroeconomics is to give students a thorough understanding of the principles of economics that apply to an economic system as a whole. The course places particular emphasis on the study of national income and price-level determination and also develops students’ familiarity with economic performance measures, the financial sector, stabilization policies, economic growth, and international economics. AP approval (Academic Dean)

ACT/SAT Information


The College Board and Khan Academy offer Practice & Preparation for students interested in SAT preparation. Students planning to take the SAT may want to access the SAT Student Guide

Are you Ready for the PSAT? > Click Here for FREE practice tests, tools, and tips! PSAT Testing Date TBA, 2024 – This test is administered to BM freshmen, sophomores, and juniors on campus during school.


Students planning to take the ACT may want to check out, > Click Here for the Test Preparation booklet. To Access the free ACT Practice Test and Resources > Click Here

Register Here: ACT Registration

ACT Testing Date – TBA, Administered on campus during school to BM juniors.