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Meet the BrilliantMont School Board of Directors

“Rendering service with a good will as to the Lord and not to man, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.” – Ephesians 6:7-8

Pastor Israel Gamboa

Pastor Israel Gamboa

Pastor Israel holds a significant place in the historical records of BCCA. The arrival of Ms. Christyn in America was met with various hurdles, which were subsequently welcomed by the Gamboa family. Christyn Cal served in the Children’s Sunday school at formerly “Damayan Christian Church.” Pastor Israel has a steadfast commitment to the service of the Lord, providing spiritual counsel and serving as a pillar of support for individuals navigating the challenges inherent in life. He has gained a reputation for his altruistic acts of assisting others in critical circumstances, establishing himself as the primary resource for aid, both in his professional and personal capacities. He has made notable efforts, which encompass aiding in the growth and development of the educational institution, giving messages and prayers during significant occasions, and upholding his customary services at Cross Cultural Christian Church on Thursdays and Sundays. He serves as a crucial source of support for Christyn and Darylle during difficult periods within the school ministry, guaranteeing that all employees of BCCA are provided with reliable biblical counsel.

Danilo Abuan

Danilo Abuan

He is the proprietor of Active Tax Accounting Services, holds a significant role within the historical narrative of BCCA. He has applied his extensive knowledge to provide guidance to the Christian church located in the valley, as well as offering financial advice to many congregations, including BCCA. The individual’s careful supervision of BCCA’s financial records guarantees the diligent management of accounting and bookkeeping tasks. Danilo, together with his spouse, has been an integral member of the BCCA community since its establishment, with the additional involvement of their granddaughter who has subsequently enrolled at the educational institution. The individual’s steadfast dedication encompasses ensuring equitable and appropriate remuneration for everyone.

Marites Gamiao

Marites Gamiao

She is a professional nurse and has played a significant part in the history of the BCCA. She played a pivotal role in offering essential financial assistance for the formation of the Elementary Department. Marites actively participates in church activities, routinely convening to prioritize the overall welfare of all students at BCCA, with a particular focus on promoting excellent health and fostering a healthy lifestyle. Since the establishment of BCCA, she has consistently offered assistance in various forms, including financial, spiritual, and emotional support. Her commitment to her faith is apparent in her daily efforts to aid those in need.

Orange Ortiz

Orange Ortiz

She possesses a professional background in administration and serving as a broker for her own enterprise, Crossover Realty, has made substantial contributions to the administration of the institution. The frequency of her regular visits, whether occurring on a monthly or occasionally weekly basis, is aimed at guaranteeing the effective execution of administrative tasks. The individual’s dedication to community service is evident in her unwavering devotion to providing spiritual counsel, as well as her vital role in facilitating the expansion of BCCA’s services to cater to a larger student population within the valley.

Philip Landicho

Philip Landicho

He is an esteemed legal professional and presently serving as a professor at CCSD, has played a crucial role as an invaluable educational consultant for BCCA. The individual’s proficiency in the field of Education Law and Educational Leadership guarantees that BCCA adheres to existing licenses and upholds its cultural values, which prioritize academic excellence, faith, athletics, and performing arts. The individual’s unwavering commitment to educating kids at an advanced level serves as a beacon of inspiration for the whole BCCA community.

Melanie Parker

Melanie Parker

She is a nurse by occupation who also fulfills the role of a spiritual counselor, with a profound enthusiasm for the field of early childhood education. The individual actively engages in various activities and events pertaining to the Early Education department, actively contributing to the refinement of the Early Education curriculum in order to align with state standards and deliver exceptional levels of service. The regularity of her monthly visits serves as evidence of her steadfast dedication to bolstering the school community and fostering a sense of value among EE personnel.

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Meet the BCCA PTA Officers

Kimberly Sarafin

Kimberly Sarafin President

Petrina Garrett

Petrina Garrett Secretary

Eric Charaska

Eric Charaska Treasurer

Claudia Carpio

Claudia Carpio Publicity & Outreach Coordinator

Suzzane Valencia

Suzzane Valencia Ways & Means

Sahar Qureshi

Sahar Qureshi Auditor