Our academy facilitates fun-filled activities that promote learning, fellowship, and faith.
Holistic learning is the brand of education BrilliantMont strives to deliver. That is why, aside from our curricular programs, we encourage our students to participate in our socially-engaging activities. We designed our activities to stimulate the interest of our students and help them attain academic, social, and spiritual development in a fun way. By offering these activities, the kids receive countless learning opportunities that will hopefully provide them with a life-long impact.

Coach Lester
BM Athletic Director
To teach self-discipline, a spirit of cooperation, respect for rules, authority and fair play within a Christian environment. In order to accomplish these objectives, it is necessary to develop and maintain a team and school spirit that is based on Christian principles, discipline and uniformity of goals.neque et venenatis cursus. Morbi feugiat imperdiet nisi ac consectetur. Nullam posuere lorem eget tortor fermentum finibus. Vestibulum ac massa elementum, interdum ex nec, sollicitudin enim. Morbi lobortis nunc a dignissim tempor. Duis vitae maximus felis.