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Dear Parents and Families,

I love to see proactive parents in all of our activities. We, at BrilliantMont, have the greatest respect for the parents of our students and are humbled that you chose us to be part of the educational journey of your students. The financial sacrifices you must make for their education to be your top priority are especially admirable in times such as these, amid a pandemic and uncertain times. However, our BrilliantMont parents realize and understand the value of spiritual education. The investment you are making in your children’s spiritual, academic, and extra-curricular well-being will be an eternal one that will last for a lifetime and beyond.

BrilliantMont is not just another private school. Rather, we are intentionally and purposefully a CHRIST-centered school. Daily, students have the opportunity to learn about, practice, and experience the love and grace that God has for us through our Savior, Jesus Christ, through daily modeling of biblical values and principles.

As we are preparing for high school academia in the near future, BrilliantMont’s vision and mission are to prepare our students for acceptance at universities where they will be eligible for, and granted, scholarships. We aim for universities that offer high-quality education at different colleges and universities in all 50 states and multiple foreign countries, such as UCLA, Duke, Stanford, Harvard, University of Hawaii, Oregon, NYU, UCLA, Liberty University, Arizona, and many more. We desire our students to secure scholarships, as OVER 17-20 MILLION DOLLARS IN COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIPS are available at any given time. We know this is achievable!

We also aim for higher ACT scores. This year, we’ve seen that most students in the ACT are EXCEEDING in scores in Language Arts, Reading, and Math. Most were on grade level in Science. However, we want our students to go beyond grade level in ability. Therefore, we will be focusing on Science for a minimum of one hour a day. Handwriting skills were above grade level, despite the fact that COVID-19 had a negative impact on all school learning processes.

BrilliantMont continues to get the highest awards in multiple ACSI competitions. We want to make sure this continues. In addition, with our expansion to high school in the next few years, we will be able to offer our students an incredible 191 different courses from which to choose! Alas, students only take 8 classes per year, so their biggest problem will be deciding what to take and how to fit in everything they want to take. Too many choices are so much better than too few choices, I believe.

We believe that student involvement in after-school CAST [Clubs After School] and extra-curricular activities are essential to the promotion of healthy social interactions and expansion of worldviews. Therefore, CAST activities will be the main focus at BrilliantMont. Our middle school now offers such opportunities as speech and debate, praise band ministry, basketball, baseball, volleyball, jazz dance, cheerleading, math club, robotics, golf, swimming, aviation and flight training and simulation, and business administration and entrepreneurship. Additionally, many clubs and activities, which are located under the “Student Clubs” tab on our EagleConnect homepage, will be available online. There is, indeed, something for everyone at BrilliantMont!

While statistics are impressive, it is the stories that matter most. The stories of BrilliantMont staff, students, and families, and the lives that have been changed, enriched, and blessed, are what inspire families from around the valley to enroll and attend BrilliantMont every year. We are growing and we love welcoming new families into the kingdom-focused BrilliantMont family!

We have a continuous improvement plan (a CIP). In our plan, the next phase of “build through faith” is underway. As BrilliantMont is now a nonprofit 501C organization, every penny that is donated will go straight to our BrilliantMont funds, such as the Building Fund and the Scholarship Fund. The question to reflect on is, how much would your donation of $100 a month be worth in 5 years? It will be priceless, by helping children learn about, and model, biblical values and Christ’s example! Our strategic plan, within the next 10 years, is to build a football field. Within the next 20 years, we plan to add an aquatic center, an ice arena, and/or a STEM building.

Our future depends on how, and what, God’s people decide to give, whether that be time, talents, money, or adding any other asset to BrilliantMont. Yet, if in 20 years from now we have not grown and our campus still looks like it does today, we will have, in a sense, failed. We at BrilliantMont won’t let that happen, as we are called to be good stewards. If we, and future generations, invest in our school based on faith in the Lord’s provision and on needs God knows but we may know nothing of now, we may be able to make BrilliantMont an impactful, influential, and empowering force in the Las Vegas area! Being better prepared to help reach others for God’s glory is the greatest success of all, one that is beyond our wildest dreams. God, and us as His humble servants, can make that happen, working together for His good! Until that day, we will continue to improve and grow, creating an ever-improving caring, nurturing, safe, and supportive environment for everyone involved with BrilliantMont.

Since our humble beginnings in 2007 as a babysitting service, God has richly blessed us. I believe in paying it forward. Therefore, if there is anything I can do to bless you, please do not hesitate to contact me. These are, indeed, exciting times to be a part of BrilliantMont! Many parents can only dream of enrolling their children in a Christian private school. However, the cost is a lot for those who are living paycheck to paycheck. Our dream is to offer these families scholarships so they can be a part of this beautiful ministry. What an awesome thing it is to see children helping their peers and leaders in the understanding and knowledge of basic foundations of Christian principles such as faith, love, peace, joy, and forgiveness! We have humbling and deep respect for BrilliantMont’s history and ministry. We thank the Lord every day for everyone who supported and sustained BrilliantMont for the past 16 years. We firmly believe that our best years are still to come, and we look forward to God’s continued grace on BrilliantMont, all who enter its doors, and all who leave it. At BrilliantMont, we want to ensure that everyone who leaves does so with the skills necessary to thrive in a world that is not our own while having eternal hope in a world that IS our own, one that Christ has promised us in eternity. Just remember, once you are a part of BrilliantMont’s family, you are always a part of our family. We will always welcome everyone with open arms. Let’s make our time together the best it can be, work as a team, and look toward a very bright and productive future as we minister to those around us!

Dear Parents and Families,

It’s that time of year again! Elementary and Middle School starts on Wednesday, August 17th. We are so excited for you to be part of our BrilliantMont family, and we have been diligently working and planning, all summer, to be ready. We want to give a special welcome to all of our new students and families! We are at full capacity in regard to enrollment and admission and have had approximately 200 candidates for admission on our waitlist. We are thriving because of your referrals. Because of limited facility space, we have not been advertising. Yet, God is so good! He is bringing us the students who were meant to be here.

There is still a lot to do in preparation for the new school year. Therefore, I want to provide you all with some important reminders in order to help everyone transition to school smoothly and safely. There are several important notes about security on our campus as well. Your safety, and the safety of our faculty and staff, are our top priorities. Thank you, in advance, for taking the time to read through the information and for your agreement to follow all of our security protocols.

BrilliantMont Safety and Security: The BrilliantMont administration recently held a meeting to discuss our security and safety protocols. After much contemplation and discussion, we have decided to limit parent entry to the building at this time, and until further notice. However, parents will be allowed to enter our campus by appointment, or in emergencies, only. Our school needs to limit crowding which will contribute to the safety of our staff, students, and families.

Therefore, as of Monday, August 8th, the first day of preschool will be as follows: preschool children will enter at the preschool gate, located on the right side of our building, from 6:30 am – 9:30 am. From 9:30 am to 11:00 am, the entrance will be at the front. All doors will be locked by 9:30 a.m. Subsequently, parents or guardians must call the BrilliantMont front desk, where a security member will come and let them in. Please be patient in waiting, as we will get to the entrance as soon as possible. The preschool pick-up time will occur at the right gate from 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm. only. After 4 pm, please pick up your preschool children at the front doors.

Only Elementary and Middle School students will be entering the front doors between 6:30 am – 9:30 am. This will help to reduce crowding and traffic and will aid us in keeping our students safe. In addition, from 2:30 pm -4:00 pm, these students must be picked up at the front entrance only. Reminders: First Day of School-Must wear Chapel Uniform: A day of prayer, worship, and fun activities!

Reminders: First Day of School-Must wear Chapel Uniform: A day of prayer, worship, and fun activities!

We have a fun first day of school planned! Please bring a backpack, musical instruments (violin, flute, and piano), a water bottle, and lunch (if you don’t plan to order catering). The first day can be a little hectic, so be prepared to adjust. You do not need to bring any other school supplies for the first day. Please bring them on the second day!

Please remember that multi-student families should pick up your students at the oldest student’s pick-up time. Please also be aware that the front building drive-through lane should never be used for student drop-off and/or pick-up. SafeCare is now called CAST (CLUBS After School Time) and will be available starting Wednesday, August 17th. Policies and procedures regarding CAST can be found in “Eagles Connect” on the Parent Resource Board once the app will be ready to be downloaded.

Cell phones & Security:

Students are not allowed to have their cell phones out during school hours. Cell phones need to be powered off and stored in backpacks (not in their pockets) at all times unless permission for use is granted by a teacher or principal. Students must also bring their iPads for robotify class, and a pair of wired headphones, as the delivery of all the technology will not be until September 26, 2022. Students are not allowed to use air-pods on campus during school hours. Wired headphones may be used during class with permission from the teacher, and only for instruction purposes.

While students are not required to wear their IDs with lanyards, for security purposes they must carry their school-issued ID cards on them at all times.

If parents or guardians need to drop any items off for their child(ren), please call prior, and then check in with the Director of Security.

Students arriving at school, after the normal start time, must check in at the office. Teachers will not allow tardy entrance to their classrooms without a pass from the front office.

For outside appointments during the school day, parents must submit the appointment via the Facts app, and no later than the morning before the school absence will occur. Students must visit the principal’s office before school to get a pass to leave class at the appointment time. Students must then check out in the principal’s office.

All visitors during the school day must check in at the front office and produce a valid government-issued ID. A visitor’s badge will then be issued, which will be required to be worn at all times while on campus.

Students from other schools will not be allowed on campus unless they are members of a registered athletic/academic competition or other qualifying events that day, or have specific admission from BrilliantMont administration.

Once the app will be ready: Please remember to first go to the Parent Resource Board on “Eagles Connect” to get answers to any questions you may have. If you still need assistance, please feel free to email principal@BrilliantMontusa.com.

PTA: Guidelines, Processes, and Procedures

On behalf of all of the faculty and staff of BrilliantMont, I want to express what an honor it is to be a part of your lives, and let you know how excited we are to see all of your beautiful faces, both old and new. I pray that you enjoy the small remainder of your summer break and be prepared for a great 2022-2023 school year!

God’s blessings,

Emily Marx


Christyn Cal

Head of School