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Parental Responsibilities

In order for the school to function most effectively and efficiently, parents are charged with certain moral responsibilities. BrilliantMont expects the full cooperation of parents in all of the following areas, as well as any other area that may maximize the academic potential and promote the spiritual growth of each student:

Parents of BrilliantMont students will:

  • Cooperate with and publicly support the school’s mission, vision, policies, and regulations as well as the carrying out of such.
  • Support the moral, ethical, and spiritual formation of their child, including monitoring behavior both in and out of school to ensure alignment with moral and legal principles.
  • Communicate with faculty and staff members in a respectful and professional manner, yet with honesty, openness, and transparency.
  • Assist in teaching their children professional behavior by supporting the policies of the school on attendance, punctuality, dress code, behavior, and work ethic.
  • Actively participate in the educational process of their child by monitoring academic progress with teachers as necessary and making positive changes as needed.
  • Use the chain of responsibility and accountability when they have a concern or issue that they would like to address.
  • Keep all demographic and contact information current and updated with the registrar.
  • Submit all required forms and paperwork in a timely fashion.
  • Pay tuition and any other financial obligations in a timely fashion.
  • Participate in the school community by attending mandatory parent meetings, reading school publications, and attending school functions wherever possible.

Parental Interference

Traditionally, a student is not to be deprived of a Christian education or otherwise penalized for actions of their parents. However, parents may so significantly reduce the school’s ability to effectively serve its students that the parents may be required to remove their student(s) from the school for any of the following reasons (or any other logical reason not listed but that is decided by the administration):

  • Refusal to cooperate with school personnel.
  • Repeated instances of disrespect or insubordination to school administration.
  • Refusal to adhere to school policies, procedures, and regulations.
  • Interference in matters of school administration, discipline, or finance.
  • Refusal to accept administrative decisions surrounding academic or disciplinary matters.
  • Advocating positions that conflict with Christian moral and/or doctrinal definitions as related to the operations of the school.

Communication and Collaboration with Parents

According to several studies, constant communication fosters a more positive and beneficial relationship between families (especially parents or guardians) and schools. This relationship translates to improved academic and social achievement for students. In light of this, BrilliantMont has established practices and avenues for parents to stay connected with what students are learning and to adopt a proven process for resolving problems. Additionally, a unique aspect of the Academy is the personal touch, time, and effort we invest in communicating with parents. BrilliantMont believes that this type of parent-school communication is vital to the success of both the curriculum and the students. The Academy invites parents to participate as much as possible in all activities that would benefit from their presence. We acknowledge that parents need to know how their children are progressing at BrilliantMont, as parents are the primary influencers in their children’s lives.

Different Ways That the Academy Communicates with the Parents:


Preschool: director@brilliantmontusa.com

Elementary/Middle School/High School: principal@brilliantmontusa.com

Customer Service: admin@brilliantmontusa.com

Academic/AP Classes: academicdean@brilliantmontusa.com

Admissions: admissions@brilliantmontusa.com

Billing: billing@brilliantmontusa.com

Financial Assistance: finance@brilliantmontusa.com

Phone Numbers

Tel. No.: (702) 772-6449

Mobile No.: (702) 498-1378

Fax No.: (702) 889-0495

Other Contact Methods

Bulletin Board

Website: www.brilliantmontusa.com

Facebook: www.facebook.com/brilliantmontusa


Parent Involvement

The Academy believes that parent involvement is crucial to a student’s success at the Academy. This may take on different forms depending on the parents’ availability, expertise, and interest. In helping build a progressive learning community, parents should take the time to learn about the Academy’s program or development initiatives. Parents can be involved in different committees or roles such as action, resource, sports, communication, and social events. Involvement can also be as simple as reading a book, preparing classroom materials, or accompanying a class during field trips.

Communication and Concerns

BrilliantMont encourages open, honest, transparent, and positive communication between the home and the school. From time to time, parents may have a concern regarding their student’s progress in an academic course or co-curricular activity. When this happens, parents are asked to address their concern to the appropriate person, respecting the chain of responsibility in a respectful and professional manner.

Concern Resolution Levels

Level Academic Concerns Disciplinary Concern Co-Curricular Concern Athletic Concern
First Level Student addresses concern with teacher Student addresses concern with teacher Student addresses concern with moderator Student addresses concern with coach
Second Level Parent addresses concern with teacher Parent addresses concern with teacher Student addresses concern with moderator Parent addresses concern with coach
Third Level Parent addresses concern with Department Chairperson Parent addresses concern with Dean of Students Parent addresses concern with Director of Student Activities Parent addresses concern with Head Coach (where applicable)
Fourth Level Parent addresses concern with Guidance Counselor Parent addresses concern with Assistant Principal for Student Services Parent addresses concern with Assistant Principal for Student Services Parent addresses concern with Athletic Director
Fifth Level Parent addresses concern with Assistant Principal for Academics Parent addresses concern with Principal Parent addresses concern with Principal Parent addresses concern with President
Sixth Level Parent addresses concern with Principal

The Chain of Responsibility

The chain of responsibility is the expected protocol to address concerns. Student self-advocacy is an important skill that must be learned and practiced. Therefore, it is always the first level in addressing a concern. Exception to the Chain of Responsibility: it is always appropriate to call any administrator when there is a concern regarding student safety, abuse, neglect, or any imminent threat to student or school safety.

Please email us if you have any concerns, questions, or feedback that does not require an immediate response. We maintain a 48-hour response window. We would like to keep the phone lines free and available for emergency situations or immediate issues we need to address. Thank you for your cooperation.

The audio or video recording of conversations either in person or by telephone, as well as on iPads or by other electronic means by or among students, parents, teachers, or school administrators on school property or involving the use of school communication devices is strictly prohibited without the express written permission of the school administration and the party being recorded.

It is the desire of our Academy to be a ministry. Although disciplinary action can be an uncomfortable topic of discussion, reality dictates that situations occur where such matters must be addressed. We welcome your input and feedback and welcome the opportunity to meet with you if you have any questions or concerns about our disciplinary policies and procedures.