Feel free to talk to us! 702-889-0496 or Text Alert: 702-772-6449

Dearest Staff, Students, and Parents,

We are excited to have a Parent-Teacher Association (PTA). Furthermore, we are honored that you have chosen to entrust us with your children, and we are blessed to be able to be a part of your spiritual family and support network.

Enclosed, you will find our guidelines, processes, and procedures that have been developed after careful research on best practices and biblical principles. PTA members will be voted into office by BrilliantMont staff. Responsibilities will include events and activities such as fundraising, performances, parties, appreciation weeks, book fairs, and any other event or activity as deemed appropriate by the administration. This position is voluntary. No monetary compensation will be given by BrilliantMont.

The overall purpose of the PTA is to support and strengthen relationships at BrilliantMont, as well as promote a safe, nurturing, and supportive environment of high-quality teaching and learning.

We appreciate your cooperation, collaboration, and participation as we work together to build a spiritual family and glorify God above all else. Modeling Christ’s example in our words, thoughts, actions, and behaviors is our goal. This requires all of us associated with BrilliantMont to work together for the good of everyone involved.

BrilliantMont PTA Values:

  1. Collaboration: We work in partnership with BrilliantMont staff and parents to accomplish our agreed-upon goals.
  2. Commitment: We are dedicated to promoting the health and well-being of BrilliantMont students and the educational and spiritual growth of each student through developing strong school, parent, family, community, and church relationships and involvement.
  3. Accountability: We acknowledge our obligations. We deliver on our promises. If we make a mistake, we admit it honestly, openly, and transparently. We commit to learning from our mistakes and moving forward with positive and mature change and growth.
  4. Respect: We value our colleagues and ourselves. We expect the same high quality of effort from ourselves as we do from others. We treat everyone with equality and love. We work to serve others above ourselves.
  5. Inclusivity: We value and seek input from a wide spectrum of viewpoints and experiences, with God’s word as our ultimate authority.
  6. Integrity: We act consistently with our beliefs and model biblical values, both in and out of school grounds.

****Disclaimer: The Parent Teacher Association at BrilliantMont is not affiliated with the National Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) or Parent-Teacher-Student Association (PTSA).****