Currently, the protocol for the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic includes mask mandates that are optional. In this foreword, we are listing modifications to our policies and procedures due to the special circumstances. These modifications are necessary to protect the health and safety of our school and community. These modifications apply to this school year only and are subject to change at any time based on the current COVID-19 situation. If these modifications require necessary change, we will provide the changes as soon as possible through any means necessary whether it be written, oral, or electronic notification. If there are any contradictions or discrepancies between this foreword and any other section of the handbook, the information in this foreword takes precedence.
Attendance/Excessive Absences: Due to the current circumstances with COVID-19, any student who is experiencing a fever of 100.4 Fahrenheit or higher must remain at home. In addition, any student who has one of the following symptoms, or any combination of symptoms, must remain at home as well:
- Chills
- Cough
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- Fatigue
- Muscle or body aches
- Headache
- New loss of taste or smell
- Sore throat
- Congestion or runny nose
- Nausea or vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Any other current symptoms as discovered or described by the CDC
Parents are expected to be alert and assess their child’s health daily prior to arriving at school. Please be proactive and check the current CDC guidelines if you have any questions or concerns regarding COVID-19 protocols. Families must notify the school immediately if a student, or family member who resides in the same household, tests positive for COVID-19 or has been mandated to quarantine for any reason. Any student who tests positive for COVID-19, or any variant of, must isolate. That student will be given an attendance requirement waiver, provided they are willing and able to keep up with their schoolwork on their own time. Students who are medically unable to keep up with schoolwork may be required to apply for a medical withdrawal.
CURRENT MASKING REQUIREMENTS: Use of face masks is optional. However, if you choose to wear a face mask, we ask that you comply with our mask requirements. The face mask should be of a single, solid color or be approved for use as a mask by BrilliantMont administration. Masks must meet the requirements of the general dress code guidelines. They may not be a political statement or be contrary to the teachings of our established Christian principles and values. If masks do become mandatory once again, the mask must be a cloth face covering that covers the nose and mouth. They must not cover the ears. We continue to support the wearing of a mask when the individual user decides to do so.
In the event that distance learning is once again recommended, we will release a protocol in writing by email or other electronic method of communication. We want to keep our students and families safe and healthy in this time of pandemic crisis. Please work with us to keep everyone in our school and community safe and healthy. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding.
- Walk in a quiet and orderly manner in the hallways.
- Behave appropriately in the restroom or surrounding area.
- Demonstrate responsible behavior in the lunch area and use good table manners. Clean the table and floor area when finished eating or after activities.
- Talk quietly and be courteous.
- No bullying, harassment, or teasing other students. Do not throw food or other items.
- Food and drinks are NOT allowed in play areas or classrooms outside of designated snack or lunch times. The only exception to this is water bottles.
- Students must play in designated areas only. P.E. activities, when outside, will take precedence over any other play. Other students must stay clear.
- Climbing or jumping on fences is not allowed.
- Permission from a playground supervisor must be obtained before retrieving balls from the parking lot or other general areas.
- Balls may not be bounced against the building, inside the building or in the lunch area.
- Tackle football or other bodily contact sports are not permitted.
- Good sportsmanship and honestly are expected when playing games. Games are to be played as instructed in P.E. and by teachers.
- Students are not, to bring toys, animals, knives, matches, mobile phones, iPods, iPads, tablets, MP3 players, large sums of money or other extraneous items to the Academy unless they have the permission of a teacher or administrative staff.
- Students are NOT allowed to have electronics or cell phones while in class or on campus unless permission is obtained from a teacher or from the administrative staff.
- Chewing gum is not allowed on campus or any school property, including transportation. Gum removal is damaging to desks, floors and sidewalks and removal costs include wasted time and labor. If you are caught chewing gum, a first offense will receive a warning. Repeated offenses may include disciplinary action, such as detention.
In addition to the rules and expectations on the above list, administration has the right to make any decision necessary, or set any rule necessary, regarding logical and ethical behavior modification. The parents will be notified promptly if there is an issue that needs to be addressed outside of the above list.
BM believes that everyone who is a part of the academic community has important rights which need to be respected and protected. The Academy is actively promoting respect of others through recognizing similarities, respecting differences, and advocating for a zero-tolerance policy on bullying, harassment, teasing, and busive behavior.
Disclaimer: Any direct or indirect threat that may harm the school or may disrupt the function of the school campus or school-sponsored activity including, but not limited to, threats made verbally or nonverbally by act, through social media, or by text are taken seriously, regardless of intent. Threats to the school may include, but are not limited to, bomb threats. Threats to the school are deemed zero tolerance.
Student Yearly Behavior Expectations
Students are expected to adhere to the discipline policy at all times under the following circumstances:
- While on school property
- During any school activity, including dances and sporting events
- While traveling to and from school
- Outside of school when conduct impacts students at school and/or the school culture. This applies during the regular school semester and throughout the year as per the enrollment continuum with BM.
Any unproductive behavior involving law enforcement or demonstrating unacceptable Kingdom character may result in immediate expulsion from BM, subject to investigation or BM Hearings.
Detention as a Consequence
We are adding an after-school detention component to our discipline policy. Detention as a consequence will be given at the discretion of the teacher and administration.
Detention basics are as follows:
- Detentions for behavior are automatically 1 hour in length.
- Detentions for anything other than behavior will be 30 minutes in length in general.
- Detention time will be an additional charge at the same rate as after-school care.
- Detentions are not purposed to be an embarrassment in front of peers. Therefore, in-school detention is discouraged and will be considered only as a last resort on an individual basis.
- 3 tardies or unexcused absences will be issued a 30-minute detention; 6 tardies or unexcused absences will be issued a 1-hour detention.
- Anything over 6 tardies or unexcused absences in one quarter may be subject to a 1-day suspension as decided by administration.
- Missing a detention will result in an additional detention (so two detentions will need to be served).
- If any student owes the Academy unserved detention hours, no extra credit points or free time will be awarded until the time is served.
- Detention time is for reflection, not to be seen as a “punishment.” Reflection worksheets will be available. Reflection essays are permitted and encouraged.
The following is designed as a guideline for most disciplinary situations. The administration reserves the right to modify and choose the consequences based on individual circumstances and behavior. Consequences may differ from this guide depending upon the severity and re-occurrence of an offense. We are adding an after-school detention component to our discipline policy. Detention as a consequence will be given at the discretion of the teacher and administration.
Detention basics are as follows:
- Detentions for behavior are automatically 1 hour in length.
- Detentions for anything other than behavior will be 30 minutes in length in general.
- Detention time will be an additional charge at the same rate as after-school care.
- Detentions are not purposed to be an embarrassment in front of peers. Therefore, in-school detention is discouraged and will be considered only as a last resort on an individual basis.
- 3 tardies or unexcused absences will be issued a 30-minute detention; 6 tardies or unexcused absences will be issued a 1-hour detention.
- Anything over 6 tardies or unexcused absences in one quarter may be subject to a 1-day suspension as decided by administration.
- Missing a detention will result in an additional detention (so two detentions will need to be served).
- If any student owes the Academy unserved detention hours, no extra credit points or free time will be awarded until the time is served.
- Detention time is for reflection, not to be seen as a “punishment.” Reflection worksheets will be available. Reflection essays are permitted and encouraged.
The following is designed as a guideline for most disciplinary situations. The administration reserves the right to modify and choose the consequences based on individual circumstances and behavior. Consequences may differ from this guide depending upon the severity and re-occurrence of an offense.
Definition: Level I offenses are minor acts of misconduct that interfere with the orderly operation of the classroom, a school function, extracurricular/co-curricular program or approved transportation.
- Minor misbehavior
- Can be corrected at the time
- Can be corrected in the setting in which it occurs
- Does not need documentation
Possible Response and Consequence: Re-teach expected student behavior; give positive reinforcement when met classroom consequence. The teacher conferences with the student. This should be done in a quiet area in the classroom or just outside the door as to not embarrass the child. The child should be prompted as to what they will do in the future.
Examples: Failure to demonstrate BM spirit, including (but not limited to):
- Failure to follow classroom rules
- Littering
- Missed homework
- Gum chewing
- Disruptive behavior
- Failure to return signed document
- Inappropriate restroom behavior
- Gossiping
- Passing notes
- Appearance/dress
Definition: Level II offenses are more serious acts of misconduct than Level I offenses. Level II includes repeated acts of misconduct from Level I and acts directed against people or property that do not seriously endanger the health or safety of others.
- 2nd offense of minor misbehavior OR
- Chronic Level 1 misbehavior
- Repeated bullying behavior
- A disruption of the learning environment that does not require administrative involvement
- Requires documentation, parent contact
Possible Response and Consequence:
- Correct the behavior at the time in the setting Classroom consequences such as loss of recess time.
- Detention
- Pay for the damage of item or replace item.
- Behavior contract or journal
- Notice to parent.
Examples: Continued failure to demonstrate the BM spirit, including but not limited to:
- Insubordination
- Cheating/plagiarism
- Rough play on campus
- Biting
- Lying
- Talking during quizzes/tests
- Forgery
- Rock throwing
Definition: Level III offenses are major acts of misconduct that disrupt the orderly operation of the school, school function, or approved transportation that threatens the health, safety, and property of others.
- 3rd offense OR Chronic Level 2 misbehavior
- Chronic bullying behavior
- Illegal behavior
- Behavior that poses a threat to the physical safety of students and/or staff
Response and Consequence:
- Send student to the office immediately or call for assistance
- Meeting with parents Behavior plan
- Detention
- Suspension
Examples: Failure to demonstrate the BM spirit, including but not limited to:
- Extortion
- Bullying, harassment or teasing
- Weapons
- Objectionable material
- Arson/Explosives
- Biting (broken skin)
- Profanity
- Social Media misuse
- Fighting (mutual or assault)
- Spitting
Definition: Level IV offenses are the most serious acts of misconduct and are grounds for expulsion. Any Level IV act may be subject to a multi-day suspension with a potential recommendation for expulsion.
- 4th offense OR Chronic Level 2 misbehavior
- Bomb threats or threats to harm others
- Chronic bullying behavior
- Illegal behavior
- Behavior that poses a threat to the physical safety of students and/or staff
Response and Consequence:
- In-school suspension
- Out-of-school suspension
- Forfeiture of any grades or make-up work during suspension
- Actual harm to others
- Sexual misconduct
- 5th offense OR Chronic Level 2 misbehavior
- Lack of parental response and/or intervention
Response and Consequence:
- Mandatory behavioral and academic evaluation
- On-going counseling and/or behavioral intervention
- Expulsion (goes on juvenile record)
We believe in giving every chance possible for an improvement in character and behavior, just as Christ gives mercy and grace to us. However, we also believe in personal accountability for behavior and actions. We thank you for your cooperation in molding and shaping our students to exhibit Christ-like behavior and be an example of God’s love to the world. “In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven…” – Matthew 5:16
The Academy will use our core values to actively and consistently teach positive Christian behavior and to dissuade all types of bullying. Students who bully will be subject to the disciplinary process layout in the student handbook. Bullying is unwanted aggressive behavior among school-aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated or has the potential to be repeated over time.
- Target: receiver of hurtful behavior
- Bully: one who harms another (emotionally, physically, or electronically) or takes part in bullying
- Passive bystander: one who sees the bullying occur and does not try to stop it
- Protector: active witnessing, positive responder, helper.
Physical Bullying: the repeated use of force toward a person’s body or personal belongings; touching in unwanted or inappropriate ways.
- Examples: hitting, punching, shoving, kicking, tripping, spitting, throwing objects, hair pulling, restraining, inappropriate touching, or damaging physical property. In addition, any physical contact that renders the other person powerless or helpless (such as tickling someone).
Sexual harassment: any unwanted or inappropriate touching or physical simulation that is sexual in nature or has sexual undertones, including gestures, is considered physical bullying.
Verbal or Written Bullying: bullying with spoken or written words or drawn pictures; involves ongoing name-calling, threatening, and making disrespectful comments about someone’s attributes (appearance, religion, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, etc.).
- Examples: teasing, name-calling, taunting, mocking, or threatening to cause harm; drawing pictures or graffiti, or writing notes that make fun of someone or something; gossiping or whispering about someone behind their back.
Sexual harassment: any unwanted or inappropriate verbal or written remark, request, or invitation that is sexual in nature or has sexual undertones is considered verbal bullying.
Cyberbullying: involves spreading mean words, lies, and false rumors through the use of the internet, electronics, or technology.
- Examples: e-mails, text messages, instant messages, and social media posts, photos, or videos. In addition, creating and/or maintaining any website that bullies is a form of cyberbullying as well.
Relational or Social Bullying: involves deliberately preventing someone from joining or being part of a group, whether it’s at a lunch table, game, sport, or social activity. It can also involve pressuring others to prevent someone from being a part of a peer group as well.
- Examples: hate petitions, public humiliation or embarrassment, negative or discouraging body language, spreading gossip or rumors, and social rejection or isolation.
Awareness Intervention
- Council, discipline, teach the bully
- Support targets
- Activate and empower the bystander
The best way to prevent bullying is to talk about it, starting from early childhood through high school, build safe school environments, and create community-wide prevention strategies. Help students understand bullying, keep the lines of communication open, encourage students to do what they love, and model how to treat others.
Possible warning signs that a child is being bullied include:
- Comes home with torn, damaged, or missing pieces of clothing, books, or other belongings.
- Has unexplained cuts, bruises, and scratches.
- Has few, if any, friends with whom he or she spends time.
- Seems afraid of going to school or taking part in organized activities with peers.
- Has lost interest in schoolwork or suddenly begins to do poorly in school.
- Appears sad, moody, teary, or depressed when they come home.
- Complains frequently of headaches, stomachaches, or other physical ailments.
- Has trouble sleeping or has frequent bad dreams.
- Experiences a loss of appetite.
- Appears anxious and suffers from low self-esteem.
Please note: There may be other warning signs not listed. We need to be proactive and aware in noticing what is going on with the students, both as parents and school staff. Please reach out if you notice changes in your student.
The BM uniform represents the academy and the ideals it upholds. Therefore, it should be treated with utmost respect. The academy needs the cooperation of those at home in developing habits of personal hygiene and good grooming of the students. All students are required to come to BM in the prescribed uniform. The appearance of our students rests on the philosophy that as members of a Christian School, students show respect for themselves and their school by being appropriately dressed. BrilliantMont requires that all students dress appropriately while on campus or distance learning and during all school-sponsored activities and events. Attire should demonstrate that the student has a sense of personal dignity, modesty, and decorum. The administration reserves the right to make individual judgments as to the appropriateness of dress and grooming. The decision of the administration is final.
Special note: Hooded sweatshirts (hoodies) are not permitted during the school day, whether under dress code or “free dress” days without explicit administrative approval.
Overall Appearance Expectations The overall appearance of students at BrilliantMont should be neat, clean, modest, and appropriate for learning. The following are guidelines that must be observed:
- For boys or men, hair must be tapered on the back and side of the head from the top of the head to the neck and along the neck.
- Boys’ or men’s hair may be no longer than the top of the shirt collar and may not cover the eyebrows. If this dress code is not met, the student will be given a deadline to cut the hair. Disciplinary procedures will apply with noncompliance.
- No headphones or ear buds are allowed unless approved by admin.
- Clothing that distracts from the learning/teaching environment, as decided by the administration, must be changed prior to the student resuming classes.
Specific Dress Code Expectations The dress code at BM is designed to reflect a business casual appearance. All clothing line items are to be purchased in the Campus Store. Daily attire consists of:
- School-approved slacks or knee-length shorts which may not be form-fitting. School shorts and pants may not be rolled up.
- School shorts may not be hemmed without permission of the admin.
- Polo shirts and zippered shirts are acceptable but must be tucked in. Note: polo shirts must be worn under jackets with zippers only.
- All undershirts must be BrilliantMont white, royal blue, or gray and must be tucked in. All boys and young men must wear a belt. The belt must be visible at all times. Violations will follow our disciplinary policy.
- Closed-toe shoes with heel–boots are acceptable with slacks but not with shorts; slippers or flip- flops are prohibited. Shoes with fur on the interior are prohibited.
- Jackets purchased in Campus Store may be worn during the day, as well as BrilliantMont approved full zip team jackets and Letterman Jackets in school colors only.
- Other jackets may be worn to and from school but must be removed during the school day. BrilliantMont-approved gear is sold in the Campus Store.
- Students are required to wear skirts exclusively, with a specific provision that the length of said skirts must extend below or reach knee level. The wearing of pants is not permitted.
For final exams and standardized testing days, the regular uniform dress code applies unless announced otherwise.
The Bible commands Kingdom Citizens, Ambassadors of Christ, and Christians to dress modestly and avoid drawing attention to their bodies in a sexual way. This does not mean that women and men must look homely or as plain as possible.
What is the meaning of modest apparel? The term “modest fashion” or “modest dressing” refers to a fashion trend where women wear less skin-revealing clothes. This trend satisfies their spiritual and stylistic requirements for reasons of faith, religion, or personal preference.
What is true biblical modesty? According to the Bible, modesty means less of self and more of Christ. It encompasses humility, purity, and generosity, not to be noticed or practiced as a religious requirement. We are fearfully and wonderfully made, and we should not be ashamed of who we are in Christ. We exist to honor God with our physical bodies and our behavior.
Why is dressing modestly important? By covering up certain body parts, individuals demonstrate reverence for themselves and their bodies. Additionally, dressing modestly shows consideration for others’ comfort levels and cultural sensitivities, fostering a more inclusive and respectful environment. This includes avoiding shorts that reveal the bottom of the individual’s backside, see-through attire revealing private body parts, and clothing that exploits private images that are inappropriate for the time or place.
What does Proverbs 11:22 mean? Proverbs 11:22 states, “As a jewel of gold in a swine’s snout, so is a fair woman which is without discretion.”
- CSB: “A beautiful woman who rejects good sense is like a gold ring in a pig’s snout.”
- AMP: “As a ring of gold in a swine’s snout, so is a beautiful woman who is without discretion [her lack of character mocks her beauty].”
- MSG: “Like a gold ring in a pig’s snout is a beautiful face on an empty head.”
This proverb warns against pursuing beauty at the expense of virtue. Beautiful women without discretion are eventually treated like unwanted, unclean, unattractive animals. Scripture gives us the advantage to see the big picture from a better perspective.
The Apostle Paul shares in 1 Timothy 2:9-10: “In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array.”
- MSG: “Since prayer is at the bottom of all this, what I want mostly is for men to pray—not shaking angry fists at enemies but raising holy hands to God. And I want women to get in there with the men in humility before God, not primping before a mirror or chasing the latest fashions, but doing something beautiful for God and becoming beautiful doing it.”
- EASY: “I also want the women to dress themselves properly, in a way that is right. They should not bring shame on themselves. What makes a woman beautiful? It is not the unique way that she prepares her hair. It is not the gold things or jewels that she wears. It is not her expensive clothes.” Deuteronomy 22:5 states, “The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman’s garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God.”
- AMP: “A woman shall not wear a man’s clothing, nor shall a man put on a woman’s clothing; for whoever does these things is utterly repulsive to the LORD your God.”
- CEV: “Women must not pretend to be men, and men must not pretend to be women. The LORD your God is disgusted with people who do that.” 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 states, “19 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? 20 For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.”
- AMP: “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is within you, whom you have [received as a gift] from God, and that you are not your own [property]?”
- AMPC: “Do you not know that your body is the temple (the very sanctuary) of the Holy Spirit Who lives within you, whom you have received [as a Gift] from God? You are not your own.”
Injuries and Uniform Expectations
Students are required to wear their uniforms even when injured. A doctor’s note DOES NOT automatically guarantee the right of a student to circumvent the dress code. Even if it is medically requested to be out of uniform, the student must follow dress code with allowances only as granted by the school administration (no flip flops, no slippers, etc.). Each instance of a request to be out of uniform will be determined on a case-by-case basis. The overwhelming deciding factor will be that of medical necessity as opposed to student convenience. A note from a parent is not an excuse to be out of uniform. Only the administration staff may give permission for any student to be out of uniform. The administration reserves the right to verify any medical excuse if deemed necessary.
Spirit Friday Dress Code Expectations
Some special Fridays during the academic year are designated as Fridays that permit a relaxed dress code. You will be notified when these days occur. The attire will consist of:
- Modest t-shirts in white, royal blue, orange, and gray preferred. Acceptable text only.
- Tasteful jackets may be worn in the school colors of white, royal blue, orange, or gray.
- Dress code slacks/shorts should be worn.
- BrilliantMont approved gear sold in the Campus Store may be worn.
- Students participating in a Friday game or extracurricular activity may wear their team jerseys (provided they are modest) or shirts on that Friday.
Remember: Even on free dress days, we need to set a Christ-like example to others in the community.
Co-curricular Activities Dress-up Expectations
All students must have permission from the coach/moderator and administration to participate in the co-curricular dress up days. This means that students should look better than the normal dress code. At no time are any sweatshirts, hoodies, or anything made from sweatshirt material or denim allowed. The attire consists of:
- Boys: Dress shirts and ties are a must. We recommend wearing dress pants and appropriate shoes as well.
- Girls: Any choice of dress slacks, blouses, and/or skirts may be worn provided that they are modest as determined by the administration. For safety reasons, we recommend closed-toe, closed-heel flat shoes.
Spirit Weeks and “Free Dress” Day Expectations
On occasion, special dress days are permitted. Dress is according to the themes dictated by the special day or week. During Spirit Weeks, students are required to wear the appropriate themed attire; students who choose not to participate in the theme are expected to wear their regular dress code attire. The expectation for students is to dress in theme “tastefully” and NOT offensively while abiding by the spirit of our school rules. There may also be “free dress” days determined by the administration. In all cases, students are expected to be neat and well-groomed while following the standards of safety, modesty, and good taste. Specific requirements include but are not limited to:
- No sleeveless attire or spaghetti straps.
- Slacks may not be frayed, baggy, made out of spandex, or have holes.
- Shorts must meet administrative standards of modesty in type and length.
- Students are not permitted to cross dress. Dress should correspond to the student’s biological sex as determined at birth.
- No yoga pants, sweatpants, or “jeggings.”
- No bare midriffs.
- Jewelry must be neat and not excessive.
- Shoes with closed heel and toe (no slippers or shoes with fur on the inside).
- Tattoos must not be visible.
- No caps, hats, costume masks, or head coverings.
- Hair: color and length must meet daily dress code requirements. Men must be clean shaven.
- All uniform items MUST be purchased through Campus Club Uniforms or at School. All shorts or pants must have belt loops.
- All students must wear a belt with ALL shorts or pants.
- Kindergarten students are required to wear enclosed shoes without laces, unless the child can tie their own shoes independently.
- ALL students must wear socks and fully enclosed shoes at all times.
- Only Academy sweatshirts (pullover, hoodie or zippered), from Campus Club with the Academy logo, are allowed. No other sweatshirts are allowed on campus during school hours.
- Shirts must be tucked in at all times.
- A uniform shirt MUST be worn underneath all Academy sweatshirts.
- Unofficial Academy coats and zippered jackets may be worn outside during cold weather, but cannot be worn inside the classroom. Only uniform items can be worn inside the classroom and Sanctuary.
- ats and sunglasses maybe worn outside only.
- Royal blue polo shirts MUST have a BM logo.
- Shorts may be worn all year, weather-appropriate. Students are expected to dress according to the weather.
- Tattoos are not allowed.
- Only white or black undershirts may be worn under uniform shirts.
- Tennis shoes and socks may be navy blue, black, or white. No other colors are allowed. No lights, wheels, glitter, or charms are allowed on shoes.
- No student may wear ear gauges or plugs on their ears.
- Extreme hairstyles are not allowed. Students are expected to have traditional hairstyles and natural hair colors.
- Nothing in a student’s appearance will be permitted that is contrary to the teachings of the Bible and Christian principles and values. Dress should correspond to the student’s biological sex at the time of birth.
- Tattoos must be covered. No sleeveless tops or else a sweater must be worn.
- Backpacks or binders may not display logos that contain alcohol or obscene, vulgar, distasteful phrases or pictures.
- Sunglasses may not be worn inside the building, unless for a costumed pre-approved event.
- No caps, hats or head coverings are permitted. Male students are not permitted to wear headbands.
- Slacks may not be frayed, torn, ripped or altered.
Please note: Administration reserves the right to modify or approve guidelines and policies on an individual basis.
- Uniform jumpers, and skirts must be at least 3 inches below the knee in length, or longer.
- Blue or black plain shorts MUST be worn under jumpers and skirts. Elementary, Middle School to HighSchool grades may wear a plain watch, stud earrings (in the earlobes only, no dangling or hoop earrings allowed) and a simple necklace worn under the shirt.
- No student may wear ear gauges or plugs.
- Clear nail polish only.
- No make-up is allowed, except ChapStick or lip gloss.
- All hair accessories must be white, blue, silver, gray or natural hair colors and not be distracting enough to interfere with instruction. Extreme hairstyles are not allowed. Students are expected to have traditional hairstyles and natural hair colors.
- Only the ears may be pierced (piercing may not be larger than the diameter of a needle). Only one earring per ear is allowed. No excessive ear piercings are permissible. Only girls are allowed to wear earrings. All body piercing jewelry will be confiscated by admin.
- No excessive use of jewelry, heavy gold chains, or similar.
- Slacks may not be frayed, torn, ripped or altered.
- Hair must be no longer than the bottom of the collar and stay out of the eyes. No mohawks or extreme hairstyles are allowed. No designs shaved into the hair are permitted.
- Pants and shorts must have belt loops and be worn at the waistline with a belt.
- Boys must not wear earrings, gauges, or plugs or have tattoos.
- A simple watch or tasteful jewelry may be worn at the discretion of administration.
- Boys and men must shave all facial hair- sideburn length may not exceed earlobes. Boys and men with facial hair must shave at first notice of BM admin. If not taken care of, discipline procedures will apply. No extreme hairstyles (including but not limited to mohawks, faux hawks, etc.) or extreme combination of contrasting colors, as decided by the administration. Students with extreme hairstyles, as decided on by the administration, may be subject to disciplinary sanctions under our disciplinary policy.
- No shaved heads – (no less than a #2 blade). Haircuts may not have numerals/designs/lines.
- No excessive use of jewelry, heavy gold chains, or similar.
- Boys and men are prohibited from wearing makeup. This includes nail polish.
“Do not let your adorning be external—the braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewelry, or the clothing you wear— but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God’s sight is very precious…” – 1 Peter 3:3-4
Must be worn daily with the exception of field trip or outdoor activities; items may be mixed and matched accordingly.
GIRLS: Refer to new uniform policy. You may wear the old uniform for one more year.
- Blue (w/ BM logo) or white, short or long-sleeved polo shirt or turtleneck.
- Navy blue jumper (from Campus Club with Academy logo), pants, skorts, or shorts. Pants and shorts must have belt loops.
- Belt—navy blue or black, solid in color with no designs.
- Blue or black plain shorts MUST be worn under jumpers or skirts.
- Socks—blue, black, navy blue or any combination of the colors mentioned. No other colors are allowed.
- Tights—white, black tights, solid in color with no designs. No other colors are allowed. NO LEGGINGS ARE ALLOWED.
- Blue cardigan sweater.
- Navy blue BM sweatshirt (pullover, hoodie or zippered). Short or long sleeve white oxford shirt.
- Royal blue pants or shorts. Must have belt loops.
- Royal blue or black belt, solid in color with no designs or logos.
- Royal blue (w/ BM logo), or white, short or long sleeved polo shirt, or turtleneck.
- Royal blue cardigan sweater.
- Royal blue BM swear shirt (pullover, hoodie or zippered).
It is the responsibility of the parent to make sure their children come dressed in their appropriate uniform and have clean, neatly groomed hair. Please help your child avoid the embarrassment of being sent to the office for improper dress.
- 1st offense email or verbal warning.
- 2nd offense note and/or email home to parent.
- 3rd offense or more students will not be allowed to participate in classroom activities until dressed appropriately.
- Some violations of the dress code may be deemed severe enough to warrant immediate attention. In these cases, the administration may decide on a more appropriate response to resolve the problem.
EXTRA CLOTHES Since active play and participation are encouraged as it is an important part of the child’s daily activities, the students are therefore required to bring the following:
- a complete set of extra clothes (shirt, pants or skirt, underwear, and socks)
- sunblock lotion
HYGIENE KIT Developing good habits is another area that the Academy constantly reinforces with the students. This includes personal hygiene. At the start of the Academy year, it is recommended that students bring the following items for their personal use (included but not limited to):
- toothbrush (with cover)
- toothpaste
- hand towel and liquid soap, comb or hairbrush
TUITION AND FEES It is the goal of the Academy to provide a quality Christian education at a reasonable cost for all participating families. Therefore, it is vital that our Academy families place a high priority on the payment of tuition. Our teachers, staff, faculty, and students depend upon the prompt payment of this financial obligation.
Each school year, the first tuition payment is due by August 1st. The last payment of a school year will be due around May 1st. Dates are subject to change. We will keep you up to date with any changes.
Parents may make their monthly payments through the following methods: automatic withdrawals from a checking or savings account, submitting a physical check, money order, or cashier’s check, or by a debit or credit card. No cash payments will be accepted. Payments made may be subject to additional fees based on your financial institution. We will let you know if any additional fees are required by BM. Please contact us promptly if there is a discrepancy or question about payment.
As a convenience, most banks provide a free online bill payment system. The Academy encourages parents to set up this service for our monthly tuition payments. Please check with your bank for their financial terms and policies. Billing suggestion: If the payment method is through check or money order, all payments must be listed as payable to BrilliantMont.
DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS Students of parents who have balances more than 30 days past due will not be allowed to continue attending classes at BM until payment arrangements have been made.
Example: August 1st tuition is due. If August tuition has not been paid by September 1st and payment arrangements have not been made; your child will not be allowed to attend classes on September 2nd.
LATE FEES Tuition is due on the first of each month, unless otherwise specified. A late fee of $25 will be assessed after the 10th of the month on all past due accounts. If the 10th of the month falls on a weekend or holiday, payment will be due on the prior business day.
RETURNED CHECKS A fee of $25 will be charged on all returned checks. After the second returned check, all fees must be made by money order, cashier’s check, or by debit or credit card only.
FUTURE ONLINE PAYMENT OPTIONS BrilliantMont is looking into the implementation of online payment systems. We will inform you if new or better options become available.
Financial Obligations
By enrolling a student in BrilliantMont, the parents/guardians of the student agree to complete and sign the Enrollment Agreement. The financial commitments are explained below:
- A student may not be allowed to attend class when their tuition is two months in arrears and may not be permitted to take semester final exams. In addition, a hold may be placed on the Student Information System account which provides access to homework, grades, etc. Transcripts, diplomas, grades, etc. will not be released until all financial obligations, including those under the Enrollment Agreement, have been fully satisfied. In addition, any student whose account is in arrears at the end of a semester may not be permitted to return for the subsequent semester.
- It is the goal of BrilliantMont to provide a quality Christian education at a cost that is reasonable to all participating families. The major source of revenue for BrilliantMont is generated through tuition. The first tuition payment is due by August 1st. Billing cycles cannot be changed after the August billing. For your convenience, payments can be made:
- Semiannually in two (2) equal installments
- Quarterly in four (4) equal installments
- Monthly in ten (10) equal installments.
- Tuition assistance is available for families that qualify. Awards are based on demonstration of need as well as availability of funds. Information regarding tuition assistance is posted on the school website under the Admissions/Financial Information tab. At times, we understand that families may experience financial difficulty. We encourage parents/guardians to contact the Finance Office immediately if they need assistance with financial matters. The Tuition Assistance Committee assesses hardship cases on an individual basis.
- Parents/guardians of students who are dismissed, or leave during an academic school year, are financially obligated to pay the amount of tuition and fees due up to, and including, the end of the month in which the student leaves. All financial obligations under the Enrollment Agreement must be met prior to transferring to another school.
- Transcripts and grades will not be provided to the other school until all the financial obligations are met. In the case of graduating seniors, the diploma and final transcripts will also be withheld until all financial obligations are satisfied.
Students entering the Academy for the first time must have a pre-admission physical card completed by a physician within one month of the beginning of the Academy year or from their start date. This information is kept on file for as long as the child is attending the Academy. Please contact us if you need to obtain or transfer records.
It is extremely important that students are not sent to school when they are sick. All students will be going outside for recess and physical education. If a student is too sick to go outside, that student should be considered too sick to come to the school. If students are injured or become sick at the Academy, parents will be notified promptly. Parents or guardians MUST make arrangements to pick up the injured or ill student IMMEDIATELY.
Children should be kept home if they have ANY of the following symptoms:
- Fever of 100F or above
- Diarrhea
- Vomiting
- Cough (frequent, wet, wheezy, croupy, or coughing up mucus)
- ANY contagious infection or illness
- Eye or ear infection (with white, yellow, green drainage)
- Overly tired or unusually unwilling to attend.
If a student has a communicable disease (such as strep throat, for example) the parent must notify the Academy office immediately. A doctor’s release is required for return to Academy.
A medication authorization form (“Release and Hold Harmless for Medications”) must be completed and submitted by the parent. In addition, a list of any medication prescribed or required should be submitted to the office. Any necessary forms will be available in the Academy office. A medication authorization form will be valid for the current Academy year if the order is not changed. A new form must be completed for any change in medication, such as dosage or frequency.
Ideally, the parent or guardian, or other responsible adult designated by the parent or guardian, should deliver medications to and from the Academy. However, there are circumstances where the student may have to carry or pick up their medications. In this case, a written and signed note and/or signed medication authorization form must be delivered to the main office, along with the medication in its properly labeled and prescribed container.
All prescription medications should have a pharmacy label and a copy of the prescription from the doctor. For nebulizer treatments for asthma, the medication and tubing, including the mouthpiece or mask and dispenser, must be provided by the parent or guardian and the proper paperwork must be filled out prior to use.
Medications dropped off to the Academy office must be in the original packaging. These maybe kept at the Academy for the current Academy year. All medications left over at the end of the Academy year will be discarded safely. At the Academy Director’s discretion, students may be allowed to carry basic over-the-counter medications such as cough drops or medicated salves (provided by the parent or guardian). Please inform us of this and complete a medication authorization form so we may be aware of circumstances and medications on campus.
The Academy is confident that our teachers and staff are trained and able to give first aid to most injuries. However, teachers are not allowed to give oral medicine. If a student requires oral medication, parents should give a written authorization with clear instructions on how to administer the medicine. This does not guarantee we will be able to accommodate. However, we will communicate openly with you as needed.
At no time should students offer medications to, or share with, other students. If this does occur, disciplinary action will be taken.
Some students may have severe, life-threatening allergies, such as a peanut allergy. While the school will make reasonable efforts to prevent or minimize an allergic student’s contact with allergens, the school cannot promise an allergy-free environment. A Food Allergy Management Plan should be in place for every student with food allergies. This document outlines recommended treatment in case of an allergic reaction, includes contact information, and has been signed by the student’s physician. Your student’s teacher will post the allergy list in their classroom as well.
- All students are required to participate in recess and lunch with their regular classroom only. Students should not share their food with their classmates unless given specific permission by admin. This is especially important, as the COVID-19 pandemic is still a concern. In addition, students may have allergies or home diets that need to be taken seriously.
- As a Christian faith-based school, we would like to promote the tenets of healthy living. Therefore, we prefer snacks and lunches that promote health and wellness. Lunches should be based on the five basic food groups if possible: fruits and vegetables, starchy food, dairy, protein, and fat. A good guide would be to choose more fruits and vegetables and avoid unnecessary fats. We discourage junk food as a source of snack or lunch. The Academy does not allow any student to drink soft drinks or chew gum at any time. We advise parents or guardians to bring nutritious foods and avoid deep fried, processed foods and foods with high sugar content.
- Parents should ensure that the student has eaten breakfast before coming to the Academy. Missing a meal can cause unwanted behaviors, distractions, or a lack of energy which can disrupt the student’s active participation in class.
- The Academy is promoting “Waste Free Meals.” It is our mission to educate and train students to be caring and concerned about their environment and the role they play in it. The Academy discourages the use of Styrofoam containers or disposable plastic utensils for this reason. Food should be stored in reusable containers. In addition, students should eat everything they bring and not waste food.
- If a student should arrive at Academy without lunch, administration will attempt to contact the parent, provided there is enough time to get the lunch to the student before or during their lunch period. If there is not enough time for the parent to bring the student’s lunch, an emergency lunch will be provided. Emergency lunches are for emergencies only. They will be charged to the student’s account in order to deter inconveniences and distractions to student learning.
- All students must begin their lunch break in their classroom setting. Parents visiting their children for lunch must check in at the office and sign their child out for lunch. After eating, the parent must check their child back in with the front office. Parents may bring food in for birthday celebrations or other celebrations. However, the food must be store-bought and not made at home. In addition, please bring food that does not contain nuts, as to respect student allergies.
BrilliantMont maintains an Emergency Response Plan to respond to emergencies or disasters, such as bomb threats or weather, that occur when school is in session. The following guidelines are to be followed:
- Go to our website at www.brilliantmontusa.com for emergency instructions.
- The school’s social media platforms will also be updated on emergency procedures and status, if possible.
- Do not telephone the school. Telephone lines may need to be used for emergency personnel response or for the school to call 9-1-1.
- Students will be released as soon as any imminent danger has passed, when the roads are drivable, and the streets are open.
- In the event that road access to the school is blocked by emergency personnel, please have a pre- formulated crisis plan and protocol with your student regarding pickup.
- The media will be notified if a situation mandates the departure of all students/faculty/staff from the school.
BrilliantMont conducts monthly emergency drills, both in conjunction with the Las Vegas Fire Department and independently as needed. These drills include, but are not limited to, evacuation, earthquake, shelter-in-place, and lockdown. Nevada laws require bi-monthly fire, lock-down and shelter- in-place drills. These drills may be conducted by the Clark County Fire Department or by the Academy. Students are expected to cooperate in a quiet and prompt manner, according to the procedures implemented by the Academy.
If it becomes necessary for the Academy to be closed on short notice, or closed while the Academy is in session, parents and guardians will be notified through a written emergency letter, which sends a simultaneous alert via text message, voice call and/or message and email. If the administration must cancel school or dismiss school early because of an emergency or bad weather, an announcement will be made on www.brilliantmontusa.com as well as through the local media. The school will also update you through email and social media platforms.
Crisis Response Plan
In the event of an imminent danger to staff, students, or faculty, the following crisis response and off-site evacuation plans should be followed:
Primary Evacuation Locations
BrilliantMont Locations
- Rochelle Location: 7885 W. Rochelle Ave., Las Vegas, NV 89147
- Charleston Location: 7401 W. Charleston Blvd., Las Vegas, NV 89117
For Rochelle location:
- Desert Breeze Community Center
Address: 8275 Spring Mountain Rd., Las Vegas, NV 89117 Contact: Visit CCParks@ClarkCountyNV.gov for more options.
For Charleston Location:
All American Park- Address: 1551 S Buffalo Dr., Las Vegas, NV 89117
- Address: 2845 Lindell Rd., Las Vegas, NV 89146
Additional Information
- BrilliantMont Hours: 6:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
- Family Crisis Plan: Please establish an individual crisis plan with your student.
- Emergency Contact: Feel free to contact us for emergency evacuation location suggestions.
For further assistance or questions regarding the crisis response plan, please do not hesitate to reach out.

Alexander Coaxum Jr.
Director of Safety & Security
ID Cards
- Student ID cards must be carried at all times and presented for verification when requested by faculty/staff.
- Students may be refused admittance to BrilliantMont activities without a valid school ID.
- Students who lose or misplace a card will be responsible for the cost of a replacement card.
- Students, or parents, are responsible for notifying the office when a card is lost or stolen.
- Student withdrawing from BrilliantMont must return the school ID card to the front office.
- The ID card is property of BrilliantMont and must be surrendered upon request by a school official or by administration.
- Students may be able to use their ID cards to obtain discounts at venues such as museums or events.
BrilliantMont does not carry accident or liability insurance upon which a student may make a claim. If desired, students participating in sports may purchase coverage through an outside source.
Security Cameras
School cameras are monitored by the administration and are the property of BM. The protection of student privacy and confidentiality mandates that the viewing of cameras be restricted to school officials. If desired, still pictures of moving video may be requested. However, we cannot guarantee that we can fill your request.
Safety Policies
The safety of all students in the Academy is our primary focus. The Academy strives for a hazard-free environment. Therefore, the following policies are established:
- Enough adults, to effectively supervise every group of students whether in the classroom or on the playground, will be provided.
- Every classroom and play area will be inspected regularly to eliminate or correct situations that may pose danger and any equipment that may cause injury to the students.
Exempt Status
BrilliantMont is operated as an exempt school under the provision of NRS 394.211 and as such is exempt from the provisions of the Private Elementary and Secondary Education Authorization Act.
BrilliantMont is required to provide an appropriate number of instructional days. Students are expected to be present, punctual, and ready to learn at all times. It is very difficult, if not impossible, for the staff or student to maximize potential for those students who are excessively absent.
- Students are required to make up all class work missed during an excused absence.
- In accordance with BM policies, all students are still required to have a parent verify all absences, even if they are of legal adult age.
- All absences must be excused by the parents within 3 school days. Parents who have not excused the absence will be contacted by the school the day of the absence. Students who return to school after an absence without parental excuse will be considered truant.
- Truancy: non-validated absences for all or part of a day; they are subject to disciplinary action.
- Students are required to make up class work assignments for most absences. Full credit will be given in most cases. However, one notable exception is truancy, where the grade will be lowered based on the absences.
- Students who miss more than five minutes of a class will be marked absent from that class.
- Students, who are late twice within a week, or four times within a month, will be considered “habitual.” The parents of the students will then be notified through a written letter and/or a Parent- Counselor meeting will be arranged to address these concerns.
- If a student is absent, homework requests must be emailed to your child’s teacher and received by 10:00 am and must be picked up by 6:00 pm on the same day.
It is the responsibility of the parent to have their children at the Academy and seated in class seated at least 5 minutes prior to the time class starts. Tardies are tracked on a quarterly basis and will affect grading. At the discretion of the administration, a child exceeding 3 tardies per quarter will be subject to our discipline policy:
- 3 tardies or unexcused absences will be issued a 30-minute detention; 6 tardies or unexcused absences will be issued a 1-hour detention
- Anything over 6 tardies or unexcused absences in one quarter may be subject to a 1-day suspension as decided by administration
- Students, who are late twice within a week, or four times within a month, will be considered “habitual.”
- The parents of the students will then be notified through a written letter and/or a Parent-Counselor meeting will be arranged to address these concerns.
- Whenever a student arrives more than 60 minutes after the start time, or leaves more than 60 minutes before the end of the Academy day, it will be considered a half-day absence.
Note: The cumulative tardy count resets at the beginning of each quarter. This, however, is not an excuse for tardies.
Reminder: Any student arriving late must get a tardy slip from the office.
For the welfare of students, the Academy verifies all absences. Parents are asked to confirm all absences by calling the Academy at least one hour prior to the start of classes.
Parents are required to apply for a leave of absence if their child is to be absent from Academy for more than two days, when not illness-related. A substantial amount of absences would deprive the student of the learning experiences the Academy has prepared for them over the course of the Academic year. Please be aware and mindful of this.
A person’s right to “free speech” does not mean that he/she can use obscene or profane language. Obscene, hateful or profane language is not permitted in school. Students are expected to be respectful at all times and use appropriate language as BrilliantMont is a Kingdom work environment and we are trying to teach certain work-place skills and conduct ourselves professionally. BrilliantMont does not tolerate profanity in any way, whether it is muttered “under the breath” or “in the hallways” or in the classrooms or when it is directed toward a student or staff member. Getting angry does not excuse abusive language.
Vulgar or obscene language is not allowed on school property or at school functions at any time. Violations of inappropriate language may lead to suspension. Continued violations after suspension may lead to BM Hearings.
Students attend BrilliantMont Academy to prepare for a future where they are free to make healthy choices and have opportunities to live well and help others live well.
Any sexual activity that involves BrilliantMont students on school property or at school functions will be grounds for immediate expulsion from BrilliantMont.
SELLING ITEMS Students are prohibited from selling any goods, items, or possessions on school property unless they have the expressed written permission of the Head of School or Principal.
Defacing or damaging school property will result in a student being billed for damages and other consequences. School property includes books, lockers, walls, doors, windows, musical instruments, classroom equipment, desks, and athletic equipment. Any student violating this rule is subject to suspension or expulsion.
The safety of the BrilliantMont family is of utmost importance. Therefore, possession of weapons, or weapon facsimiles or replicas, of any sort, on or off school grounds, is grounds for immediate expulsion and police intervention.
The main playground is designed for the use of children from Elementary, Middle School to HighSchool. Children below kindergarten age should not be on the play structure for safety reasons. We have a smaller playground available for our early childhood and pre-kindergarten students.
- There must be an adult staff member with the group of children at all times. Any problems should be reported to the staff member in charge of playground play at the time.
- No oversize clothing, hoodies or clothes with drawstrings are allowed on the playground.
- Children should only use play equipment designed for their age.
- Example: older children should not be using toys designed for toddler use.
- Be extra careful when climbing on equipment. Never touch anyone who is climbing. Wait your turn instead of trying to climb too.
- No running or playing tag or chase games on or around playground equipment or cement surfaces.
- When you get on and off the equipment, make sure nobody is in the way.
- Touch the playground equipment before you start to play. If it is wet, hot, or cold, do not play. Tell the staff in charge of playground play at the time.
- No pushing, shoving, hitting, bullying, teasing, or saying unkind or inappropriate words. Patiently wait your turn.
- BM begins between 6:30am and 9:30 am, depending on the class. Students not in their classroom by schedule time must get a tardy slip from the office and admin area.
- Once a tardy slip is obtained, the student must report directly to their classroom. Tardy students in grades Elementary, Middle School to High School should be escorted to their classroom by a staff member.
- Students arriving 20 minutes before scheduled class time will be signed into the Safe Care program and charged the appropriate fees.
- Parents and students arriving before 7:30am must enter the building using the doors by the front office. All other entrances will be locked.
- Before 8:00 am, all elementary grade students should be brought to the classrooms by a parent or guardian or staff..
- After 7:30 am, students may be dropped off at the side entrance of the Academy and should report directly to their classroom. No loitering or playing outside without staff permission and supervision.
- Students and parents are not allowed in the classroom, hallways, or other areas before 8:00 am without teacher or admin permission.
All parents wishing to sign their child out early must do so in the Academy office. An “Early Dismissal” slip should be issued for the parent to give to the classroom teacher, and/or the child will be called out of their class by an Academy staff member.
Every child at the Academy is precious in God’s sight, and ours. The Academy is pleased to welcome a birthday celebration in the classroom. Should the parents wish to celebrate their child’s birthday in Academy, they are requested to inform the admin and/or teachers a few days in advance. Parents should also check with the teachers before bringing in food that may contain potential allergy-causing ingredients. There may be a child in the class who may have a food allergy. Culture-restricted food is likewise a consideration, such as not eating pork. Guardians join exclusively during the designated lunchtime period.
This ensures minimal disruption to the academic activities afterwards. Moreover, in the aftermath of any celebratory events or parties held at the school, we sincerely appreciate parents/guardian’s invaluable assistance in helping our dedicated teachers with the post-party clean- up efforts. Active participation for a maximum duration of 30 minutes will significantly contribute to the swift restoration of our premises, promoting a safe and conducive space for all students.
The Academy believes that it is important that members maintain a quality of life that promotes health, fitness, and sustainability of the environment. Thus, we are advocating a junk food, Styrofoam, disposable plastic, waste-free environment. Food packs during parties should not be placed in Styrofoam packages. Use of plastic products (cups, spoons, forks, bags, bottles, etc.) should be kept to a minimum. NO CAKE Candles allowed.
Carpooling should be set up prior to the school day on which it will occur. It is the responsibility of the parent to inform their child of the carpool arrangements in advance. The Academy office will not interrupt classroom teaching time to make alternate arrangements for a pick-up. Please do not call the office to change carpool or pick-up information for your child. However, please let us know of the arrangement for the safety of the student. We may require a state ID for pick-up, at the discretion of admin.
It is essential that parents notify the Academy office of student information changes as soon as possible so the Academy can maintain necessary and appropriate contact with the family. In instances where the parents are divorced, a copy of the court order detailing parenting obligations and/or restrictions must be on file. A “Change of Information” form must accompany any updates to student information. Any changes must be formalized through court jurisdiction and then recorded here. A change of information form can be found in the Academy office.
Students are to remain on campus from arrival in the morning until departure in the afternoon. If a parent picks up a student for an appointment during the day, the parent must sign the student out in the Academy Office.
Students MUST be supervised at all times while on campus, before, during, and after school. If a student is not picked up at the end of the Academy day or after an extra-curricular activity, they will be put in our Safe Care program. Additional fees will apply.
All students will complete an entrance examination and assessment administered by a qualified staff member. Test results will be discussed with admin to determine a student’s placement. The Director will inform the parents of the student’s test results and subsequent placement through email.
The purpose of field trips is to increase the student’s awareness of the world in which we live. They are viewed as part of the curriculum and as an extension of the classroom. Parents should be notified at least one month in advance of any field trip. No siblings should be allowed on field trips without consent from admin.
Written permission by a parent or guardian is required for participation of students in all field trips. A field trip permission form covering the entire year will be given to the parents to sign during registration. Additional permission slips will be sent out prior to each field trip to provide parents with specific information.
Visitor Conduct
Visitors to our buildings should be aware that all teachers, staff, and office personnel are mandated reporters of any incidents that occur on school property, including those between parents/guardians and their children. Any mistreatment of office personnel or teachers will be immediately reported to administrators. If a visitor’s behavior necessitates police intervention or is deemed threatening or harmful to any staff member or student, that individual will be barred from school property.
Any individual who has contact with students, whether as a paid employee or a volunteer, must undergo and clear a criminal background check and a reference check. Approval from the Principal and Human Resources is required before beginning work with students. Additionally, personnel must complete the Safe Environment “Protecting God’s Children” session and submit a certificate of completion to Human Resources. These results will be maintained in the Human Resources department.
Gangs and Gang-Like Activity
BrilliantMont recognizes the disruptive influence of gangs and gang-like activity. As such, gangs, gang affiliations, and gang-related activities are prohibited on school property, in school buildings, and at school-related activities at all times. Students may not belong to or associate with any gang, and their activities should not appear gang-like within the school or at school-sponsored events. School administrators will collaborate with the police to monitor and deter gang activity.
No gang insignia may be worn, possessed, used, distributed, displayed, carried, or sold by any student on school grounds or at school-related activities. Students are not permitted to exhibit gang signs through body language or their normal dress. Violations of this policy will result in one or more of the following: parent notification, suspension, or recommendation for expulsion.
Membership or affiliation with gangs is contrary to the philosophy of BrilliantMont. Indications of gang involvement (such as colors, hats, signs, handshakes, language, drawings, etc.) are strictly prohibited and are grounds for expulsion. Any student suspected of gang affiliation will be referred to the Las Vegas Police Department and may be expelled from BrilliantMont.
Threats to the safety of the school building or individuals within the school will not be tolerated, even in jest. Threats of any nature, whether verbal, physical, online, written, or electronic, are considered non- negotiable and may result in a hearing with BrilliantMont administrators, which could lead to expulsion.
In addition to physical assault or battery, BrilliantMont will treat anyone who threatens, encourages, records, or provokes fights, either in person, online, or through written communication, in the same manner as those who participate in the fight. Anyone who instigates, records, or provokes a fight will be subject to disciplinary action by BrilliantMont.
Elementary, Middle school to HighSchool use the traditional grading system based on the following percentages:
- · 100-97% = A+
- · 96-93% = A
- · 92-90% = A-
- · 89-87% = B+
- · 86-83% = B
- · 82-80% = B-
- · 79-77% = C+
- · 76-73% = C
- · 72-70% = C-
- · 69-67% = D+
- · 66-63% = D
- · 62-60% = D-
- · 59% & below = F
Kindergarten students will use the following grading system. Elementary, Middle School to HighSchool, and higher grades will use this grading system for behavior.
- E = Excellent
- S = Satisfactory
- S+ = Above Satisfactory
- S- = Below Satisfactory
- N = Needs Improvement
- BM students are required to complete their assignments on time and to the best of their ability. Students are not permitted to turn in homework late without penalty or not complete assigned work. Homework is a very important part of a student’s education. It is used to reinforce material taught in the classroom. When differentiated to meet the specific learning needs of the individual, homework can help students develop as independent learners. Homework should be designed to benefit the student, with the results being seen in all aspects of the Academy. Failure to complete homework on a regular basis will have an adverse effect on a student’s grades at the Academy. Parents are encouraged to work with their child in stressing the importance of homework and to provide an environment where students can learn and study with minimal interruptions. Late homework will be accepted only according to each grade level’s late work policy.
- Students who don’t understand grade-level concepts or are not able to keep up with homework or classwork, should get a tutor. Students who have a legitimate excuse for missing work (e.g. illness, doctor’s appointment, etc.) must communicate with the teacher in order to be timely on turning in work.
- Students must make up any work that is missed due to absences according to each grade level policy.
Academic Probation
A student who receives multiple D’s or F’s in one semester may be placed on academic probation. This probation means that the student should not receive an F or D the following semester.
Academic Dismissal
BrilliantMont has high academic standards and expectations for its students. Attending our school is a privilege. Any student who attends BrilliantMont is expected to achieve academically based upon the student’s willingness and ability to learn. A student may be academically dismissed from BrilliantMont for poor academic performance if the:
- Student has failed to fulfill the conditions of an academic contract.
- Student has accumulated 3 F’s in one semester.
- Student has failed to earn the required total credits needed to move to the next grade level.
- Students who do not maintain a minimum semester GPA of 2.0 may lose the privilege of being a student at BrilliantMont.
Academic Honor Code
It is expected that all BrilliantMont students conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the philosophy of the Christian faith. We encourage our students to meet their maximum individual potential and become citizens who incorporate high ethical standards and Christian values into their daily lives so they may be an example for others. Adherence to the academic honor code promotes the level of academic integrity required within the school and assures that student work is judged fairly when being evaluated against curricular standards. The Honor Code reminds students of their obligation to pursue honesty and academic integrity in the learning process.
Violations of the Academic Honor Code may be reported on college application forms. Students who violate the Academic Honor Code are also subject to disciplinary sanctions, including the possibility of dismissal from the school.
Academic Quality and Integrity
BrilliantMont demands that all student work is done neatly, on time, and of the highest possible quality. Teachers will assign homework as necessary, and students are expected to complete all assignments satisfactorily.
Students must ensure that their work is their own and cite or acknowledge any references or information obtained from credible and reliable sources.
Academic Integrity
Process & Progression of Consequences
The well-being of the BrilliantMont community depends heavily on each student accepting responsibility for their personal conduct, both socially and academically. Students are expected to adhere to the BrilliantMont ready to learn and demonstrate the ability to discern right from wrong. A student’s moral awareness and adherence to our core values in the academic environment are foundational to their success at BM. Academic honesty requires students to produce work that is entirely their own. Academic dishonesty, by contrast, involves claiming or displaying possession of knowledge or skills that the student does not possess.
Examples of Academic Dishonesty at BrilliantMont :
- Using dishonest, deceptive, or fraudulent means to obtain or attempt to obtain credit for academic work.
- Using notes, aids, or another student’s assistance to complete a test, project, or assignment in a way not expressly permitted by the teacher. Unless otherwise directed, students should complete all assignments individually.
- Looking at another student’s test, answer sheet, or other materials.
- Talking during a test. All talking during tests is considered cheating, as the teacher cannot determine the content of private conversations.
- Copying from or allowing another student to copy from a test, homework, or other coursework that is not intended to be collaborative.
- Tampering with an instructor’s records of grades or scores.
- Abusing the privilege of Internet access as stated in BrilliantMont ’s Policy for Use of the Internet.
- Accessing, deleting, modifying, transferring, or receiving computerized files without the teacher’s authorization. Copying or transferring electronic files without teacher permission, even if authorized by another student, is considered cheating.
- Plagiarizing materials, i.e., taking the substance of another person’s work and presenting it as one’s own without proper credit. This includes omitting quotation marks for directly quoted material, omitting bibliographic references, and paraphrasing without crediting the original author.
Academic Dishonesty and Progression of Consequences for Formative Assessments: First Offense:
- The teacher will share findings with the student in a 1:1 meeting.
- The teacher contacts the parents and includes the Dean of Academics, Dr. Chatterjee, and the Dean of Students in the communication.
- The teacher issues a detention via Kickboard.
- The teacher will issue a zero for the task and grant the student an opportunity to make it up within the next BM Block, school day, or when they are available.
- The teacher logs all communication in PowerSchool.
- The teacher will share findings with the student in a 1:1 meeting.
- The teacher will issue a zero for the task with no opportunity to resubmit for credit.
- The teacher communicates the student’s decision to demonstrate academic dishonesty with the student’s guidance counselor and Mrs. Demeter.
- Ms. Christyn, Pastor Rodney, or Dr. Chatterjee will issue a suspension and initiate a BM Administrative Review with the BM Principal.
- After the second offense, students will be placed on probation or may lose their seat at BrilliantMont.
For Summative Assessments:
First Offense:- The teacher will share findings with the student in a 1:1 meeting.
- The teacher will issue a zero for the task with no opportunity to resubmit for credit.
- The teacher communicates the student’s decision to demonstrate academic dishonesty with the student’s guidance counselor and Mrs. Demeter.
- Ms. Christyn, Pastor Rodney, or Dr. Chatterjee will issue a suspension and initiate a BM Administrative Review with the BM Principal.
- After the second offense, students will be placed on probation or may lose their seat at BrilliantMont.
By adhering to these policies, BrilliantMont aims to uphold the highest standards of academic integrity and quality, ensuring a fair and conducive learning environment for all students.
If a child is not progressing at a pace that is appropriate, a parent/teacher conference will be held. Steps to help the student achieve success in these areas will be discussed and agreed upon in writing along with a date for a parent meeting. If the child continues to have trouble, a second meeting will be scheduled with the Director to discuss further options and a plan of action. At the end of the year, the teacher and Director will decide whether a student should be retained or dismissed or whether they remain on probation for another semester.
Academic Integrity
Academic integrity is a fundamental value upon which education is built. Acts of academic dishonesty compromise these core values and undermine the process by which knowledge is created, shared and evaluated. Repeated offenses cast suspicion not only upon the integrity of individuals but also damage the reputation of BrilliantMont.
Enabling Other Students’ Academic Dishonesty
Unless given explicit permission from a teacher, students are expected to submit their own work, as well as protect that work from being used by others. Enabling or helping other students with their work without permission and/or discretion is regarded as “Academic Dishonesty.”
Examples include, but are not limited to:
- Sharing/emailing/giving another student a completed assignment to use.
- Providing a corrected assignment/assessment/test to a student who has yet to take it.
- Allowing another student to copy or use an assignment.
- Allowing another student to edit an assignment.
Other Examples of Academic Dishonesty
Academic dishonesty or cheating includes acts of plagiarism, forgery, fabrication, or misrepresentation, whether through traditional or digital means such as the following:
- Claiming the work or thoughts of others as your own.
- Copying the writing of others into your written work without appropriate references.
- Writing papers for other students or allowing them to submit your work as their own.
- Buying papers and turning them in as your own.
- Having someone else write or create all or part of the content of your assignments.
- Submitting the same paper for more than one class without explicit permission from the faculty members.
- Making up or changing data for a research project. Fabricating and/or altering documents and/or information. Violating test-taking procedures or test security.
- Possession of a teacher edition of any school textbook or resource.
Note: Turnitin.com is a web-based plagiarism prevention system used for detecting plagiarized work in term papers and essays. It is currently in use by the faculty to assure that students learn to use sources as educational tools appropriately while promoting adherence to the Academic Honor Code.
Extra Credit
A student’s grade should be an accurate reflection of achieved academic performance. Therefore, extra credit is strongly discouraged in all disciplines. If extra credit is offered, it must clearly relate to the academic objectives of the course and be available to all students in the course.
Lost and Found Items
Parents should make sure that all of their child’s belongings are labeled with the child’s name. Unlabeled articles of clothing and other things left in BM will be placed in the lost and found box near the reception area. At the end of each term, unclaimed items will be donated to charity. The Academy will not take responsibility for lost belongings.
Music Participation
All students are expected to participate in ALL scheduled performances and remain seated with their class for the entire performance. Students will be released to parents after the program. Students not participating will have their quarterly music and/or performing arts elective grade lowered.
Office Hours
The Academy Office is open Monday through Friday from 6:30am-6:30 pm. The office is closed early on all scheduled half days and is closed on Academy holidays.
For more specific questions, a pre-arranged meeting would be advised to be sure of adequate time for thorough discussion and exploration of possible solutions. Email or call the office to schedule a designated time for your discussion.
Honors Program
To remain in good standing within the Honors Program, students must maintain a minimum 3.2 grade point average (GPA) and uphold good behavioral standards. Failure to maintain this GPA may result in withdrawal from the program.
Eligibility for an Honors Program diploma requires the following:
- Completion of 12 honors credits with a grade of C or higher.
- A cumulative GPA of 3.2 or greater.
By meeting these criteria, students demonstrate both academic excellence and commitment to the values of the Honors Program.
Students are not allowed to have electronic devices on campus unless for use with academics and unless they are given permission from BM staff. This includes cell phones, smart phones, iPads, tablets, handheld gaming, or other electronic devices. The use of earbuds or headsets should only be used during appropriate times in school.
- Every student must come to The Academy with complete materials that will be needed for class. Forgotten materials brought to The Academy after class has already started will not be accepted. Being successful, not only in The Academy but also in the “real world,” involves learning how to be responsible. Students must learn how to come to class prepared.
- Bringing materials unrelated to Academy work (e.g., cellphones, anything of value, toys, MP3 players, tablets, handheld gaming consoles, iPad, comic books, play cards, jewelry except watches, etc.) is also prohibited. This is to prevent loss of personal belongings and avoid unnecessary distractions and conflicts among the students.
- he teacher reserves the right to confiscate the above-mentioned materials which will be returned only in the presence of the student’s parents.
- A written request and approval from the Director or admin will be required if bringing of cellphones will be necessary. However, cell phone use will only be limited to after dismissal time and will be kept by the teacher during class hours and breaks. The Academy will not be held liable for the loss of or damage of materials or electronic devices that the teacher did not require them to bring even in instances where these devices are in the custody of teachers.
- Students are trusted and encouraged to make healthy and smart choices with technology. Misuse will have serious consequences.
Students should not communicate with teachers via any social media platform; all communication with teachers must be conducted through the school’s official email system. Instant messaging and the use of social media sites such as Facebook and TikTok are strictly prohibited.
- Violations of internet and social media policies will result in disciplinary action. BM values the importance of responsible and age-appropriate use of technology, particularly concerning social media. At our school, we care deeply about students’ well-being, safety, and academic progress, which is why we have established guidelines for social media use.
Our school policy prohibits students under the age of 13 from having social media accounts. This policy aligns with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), a federal law designed to protect young individuals from potential risks and vulnerabilities associated with online activities.
Students who have reached the age of 13 are permitted to create and maintain social media accounts. However, BM emphasizes that this privilege comes with the responsibility to adhere to the Community Guidelines.
BM enforces a strict prohibition on posting ungodly content on social media platforms. This includes, but is not limited to, content that is disrespectful, offensive, inappropriate, or contrary to the moral standards upheld by our school. We kindly remind students of the following guidelines to maintain a positive and respectful online presence:
- Uphold School Values: Before posting any content, ensure that it reflects the values of respect, kindness, and integrity that we uphold at our school.
- Think Before You Post: Take a moment to consider the potential impact of your posts on others and the image it portrays of yourself and our school community.
- Respect Others’ Privacy: Refrain from sharing or reposting content that may violate the privacy and dignity of others.
- Report Inappropriate Content: If you come across any ungodly or inappropriate content posted by your peers, promptly report it to a teacher or school staff member.
- Seek Guidance: If you are uncertain about whether certain content is appropriate, don’t hesitate to seek guidance from your parents, teachers, or school authorities.
Social Media Policy for Students:
Appropriate Conduct “Students shall not use profane, pornographic, obscene, indecent, lewd, vulgar, or sexually offensive language, pictures, graphics, or any other communication that could reasonably be anticipated to cause a substantial disruption to the school environment.”
Biblical Guidance: 1 Corinthians 15:33: “Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.”
Social Media Interaction with School Staff
All students should avoid relationships, interactions, and communications with teachers, educators, or staff outside the school setting, including on social media.
Disciplinary Actions for Inappropriate Social Media Posts
Students can be disciplined for social media posts if their speech or actions cause substantial disruption to the school environment. While students have a right to free speech, this right must be balanced against the school’s interest in maintaining an effective learning environment.
Maintaining Professional Boundaries
Students should: Maintain professional boundaries on social media. By adhering to these guidelines, students help create a safe and respectful school environment, both online and offline.
- Maintain professional boundaries on social media.
- Avoid accepting or requesting friendships from teachers, educators, or staff.
- Refrain from engaging with recent or former teachers who may still be connected to current students.
By adhering to these guidelines, students help create a safe and respectful school environment, both online and offline.
There will be multiple opportunities and occasions before, during, and after our school year to photograph, film, and/or otherwise capture students’ images and opinions, both inside and outside of school grounds. BrilliantMont reserves the right to use such materials in ways deemed appropriate by the administration to help promote and publicize our events and accomplishments. Parents must submit to the administration, in writing, any objection to the use of their student’s likeness for such purposes.
SPECIFIC POLICIES: Parents and students must be aware of the following:
Responsible Use of Technology
- Access to iPads, computer labs, library labs and computer network information is available to all students provided they comply with the rules and regulations established in this policy.
- BrilliantMont may limit technology and/or internet access to students who use resources inappropriately or violate any local, state or federal laws or ordinances.
- Students who choose to use technology in an inappropriate manner may face disciplinary sanctions, ranging from a warning to dismissal from the school.
Legal/Ethical Considerations
- Students must respect and adhere to the laws of the United States of America concerning copyrighted material, threatening, violent or harassing material, obscene material, and material protected by trademark or trade secrets.
- Students must adhere to ethical and responsible behavior when using computer network information resources.
- Students must adhere to Christian principles when using technology.
No Expectation of Privacy/Search Protocols
- All electronic devices brought on campus may be subject to search.
- The school maintains the right to monitor student use of all technology on campus, including personal devices.
- Files stored by users on the school’s file servers are not private. System operators and administrators may review users’ files to maintain system integrity in accordance with this Acceptable Use Policy.
Networks/Wireless Internet/Filtering
- The setup and use of personal internet cellular connections (“tethering”), personal cellular data connections (e.g., 3G and 4G and 5G), and peer-to-peer networks is strictly prohibited on campus.
- Students will not attempt to circumvent the school’s security and filtering systems.
- Students may not use the network in a way that hampers use by others.
- Students will not partake in video or audio streaming of any kind without specific permission from the school’s administration.
- Students will not use the school’s network, computers, or their own devices to play any electronic games unless such game playing has educational purpose and is specifically approved and directed by the supervising faculty member.
Appropriate School Use
- Student use of school and personal computers, laptops, devices, printers, and all other equipment and related services is limited to school-related activities. Any use other than that related to or designated by the school is prohibited and enforced by the guidelines of the parent-student handbook.
- Students must report any problems with technology, computer networks, computers, laptops, devices, or any other equipment or electronic resource, immediately upon becoming aware of it, to the IT staff or supervising faculty member.
- Students will not take apart or remove any school computer, laptop, device, or any other equipment without specific permission from the administration and IT staff, or their designated representative.
- Students may troubleshoot their iPads with a reboot (hard or soft).
- Students will not attempt to troubleshoot, service, reboot, reset, or shut down school computers, laptops, devices, or any other equipment without specific permission from the Technology Support Center staff or the supervising faculty member.
- Students may not use others’ computer accounts or passwords under any circumstances. A student may not allow any other student to use his/her account or password under any circumstances.
- Students may not impersonate another’s identity on the school’s computer networks, virtual networks, electronic resources, or websites.
- Students will not make any changes to settings, programs, applications, or files on school computers, laptops, or equipment without consent of the supervising faculty member or IT personnel.
- Students or parents will reimburse the school or other individuals for any damage to school or other individuals’ computers, laptops, devices, or any other equipment that occurs as a result of malicious or negligent actions. The school or its designee will carry out the necessary repair or replacement of equipment in such situations.
- Students are responsible for improper care and handling of, or damage to, hardware, software, peripherals, or networks. Students will be liable for the cost of replacement or repair and will lose access privileges.
- The IT personnel and/or administration have the authority to override a supervising faculty member if network integrity could be impaired or compromised by any action. Access to resources that have not been reviewed and evaluated may be restricted or prohibited.
- Content of online databases to which BrilliantMont subscribes is determined and controlled by the publishers of those sites, and not by the school or its employees.
- Efforts to monitor and regulate student internet access do not guarantee full compliance with the school’s policies and standards; appropriate use is the student’s responsibility.
- Parents and guardians of minors, in conjunction with BrilliantMont, are responsible for setting and conveying the standards their children should follow when using media and information sources, including access to the Internet.
- BrilliantMont is not legally liable for a student’s inappropriate use of the Internet.
The Academy is open to parents to visit the classrooms. Arrangements for visits must be made with the Academy office and approval obtained from the Director or admin at least one day in advance of the visit.
- Please contact the office to schedule an appointment if you want to meet with a teacher to discuss anything pertaining to your child or the classroom.
- All visitors (including parents, family members, alumni, and business personnel) must sign-in at the front desk/reception to obtain a visitor’s badge. If not a parent or guardian, visitors must have a valid ID or driver’s license to obtain a visitor’s badge from the front desk. Our policy on allowance of visitors is subject to change as needed.
- Visitors to the Academy are subject to the Academy’s rules and regulations. Please remember that this is a Christian Academy, and all visitors are asked to dress and speak appropriately. Visitors who cannot abide by the policies will be asked to leave.
- Many parents and students are highly allergic to animals or other allergens. Therefore, animals or pets are not allowed without prior approval from the Director or admin.
Reminder: All visitors (including parents, family members, alumni, and business personnel) must sign-out at the front desk/reception before leaving the school premises.
Athletic Policies and the Nevada Interscholastic Activities Association (NIAA) All students who participate in activities governed by the NIAA, other sports programs, or the BrilliantMont Athletic department (and their parents) are responsible for following the policies and procedures outlined in the BrilliantMont Athletic Handbook as well as all rules and regulations of the NIAA.
Class Schedules: Class schedules are decided by BM Admin. Various schedules should be available online. Please feel free to email us if you have any questions regarding schedules.
Campus Hours
- If you are visiting, you must stop at the Reception Desk in the Administration Building to obtain a Visitor’s Badge.
- You must present a government-issued picture ID. The Visitor’s Badge must be worn at all times while on campus.
- The Reception Desk hours are 6:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
- Classroom instruction begins between 7:30 a.m. and ends by 3:30 p.m.
- Students who remain on campus after school must go to Safe Care.
Disclaimer: Changes or additions may be made to any policy as needed. If changes to policies are made, BM staff, students, and families will be notified by email.