Feel free to talk to us! 702-889-0496 or Text Alert: 702-772-6449

Witness your child achieve academic confidence by enrolling them in our extensive middle school courses!

Physical Education

Physical Education is designed to help each student develop and maintain an acceptable level of physical fitness through various exercises, sports, and cooperative games. This program focuses on equipping students with good sportsmanship, teamwork, and positive skill development.


ROBOTIFY introduces students to electrical engineering principles through applications of semiconductor devices and circuits. Students will also be exposed to LOcoRobo robotics and mechanical engineering concepts. Upon completion, students should be able to construct, analyze, verify, and troubleshoot various circuits, robotic mechanisms, and code. This program requires an IPAD.

Language Arts

In Language Arts, students will review and learn writing traits. We will cover many writing genres. We will also reinforce conventions throughout the year. The students will be able to identify poetic elements and create a poetry portfolio reflecting upon their writing. Students will learn the basic skills to write various types of essays. Vocabulary will be expanded through Word of the Day. Students will have ongoing opportunities to present their work throughout the year.


The Literature course focuses on active reading and writing while making the reading/writing connection through text-to-text, text-to-self, and text-to-world reflections. Students will read at least three novels and a variety of short stories, including independent reading. There is a strong emphasis on reading comprehension, strategies for higher-level thinking, and reflecting upon their reading.

Life Science

Life Science studies all living creatures and the environment that contributes to their way of life. This course is designed to provide the student with an extensive base of knowledge, understanding, and appreciation in this field. This includes the studies of the various cells in our body, organisms, plants, and the human body.


The Math curriculum covers numerous areas, including problem-solving, decimals, multiplication and division, fractions, geometry, probability, and algebra.

Bible Class

The purpose of Bible Class is to encourage students to explore their faith and their relationship with God and one another. Students use a student book that encourages active learning. This will explore God’s Word, focusing on major accounts of the Bible, starting with Creation and continuing through Jesus’s ascension. Students will use the NIV Bible.

Social Studies

This course covers a wide variety of subjects beginning with ancient civilizations, including Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, Rome, and India. During this time, students will also mummify chickens and participate in the Roman Games. Throughout the course, the students will do a variety of hands-on activities during each unit.

Basic Life Skills

Speech Choir


  • Language Arts 6
  • Literature 6
  • English 7
  • Advanced English 7
  • English 8
  • Advanced English 8


  • Math IIA 6th Grade
  • Math II 6th Grade
  • Adv. Pre-Algebra 6
  • Math Lab MS 7th and 8th Grade
  • Math B 7th
  • Pre-Algebra
  • Pre-Algebra 8th Grade
  • Algebra I MS
  • Geometry Honors 8th Grade
  • Algebra I Honors

Physical Education:

  • Boys PE MS
  • PE 6
  • Competitive PE
  • Dance IMS
  • Sports Fundamentals
  • Girls PE MS
  • Health Ed


  • Life Science 6
  • Earth Science 7
  • Pre-STEM Earth Science 7
  • Physical Science 8
  • Pre-STEM Physical Science 8

Social Studies:

  • American History
  • Globalization
  • Honors American History/We the People
  • Social Studies 6

Christianity Course:

Do you want to know how to take a stand for the truth of the Bible? Then this is the class for you! Why We Believe is a course that seeks to help students defend exactly that question. I Peter 3:15 notes that we must always be prepared to give a defense to everyone who asks for the reason for the hope that is in us through Jesus, our Savior.

Activities per Grade Level:

6th-grade Activities:

  • Beginning Band
  • Beginning Orchestra
  • Explore Track 1
  • Explore Track 2
  • Drama
  • Cultural Art
  • Pre-Robotics
  • Chorus MS

7th and 8th-grade Activities:

  • MS Guitar
  • Beginning Band
  • Beginning Orchestra
  • Competitive Robotics
  • Concert Band
  • Dance I MS
  • Drama MS
  • Film and Literature
  • Greenhouse Agriculture
  • Intermediate Band
  • Intermediate Orchestra
  • Intro to Film/Computer Game Programming
  • MS Drama

7th and 8th-grade Activities:

  • MS Musical Theatre
  • Musical Theatre MS
  • News Broadcasting MS
  • Photography 7/8
  • Piano Lab MS
  • Praise Band MS
  • Robotics
  • Spanish I 8th
  • Spanish IA
  • Spanish IB
  • Technical Theatre and Performance Techniques
  • The Graphic Novel
  • Chorus MS
  • Yearbook MS

Drop Us a Line!

We invite our dearest parents to communicate with us whenever they need assistance. For a seamless way to reach out to us, call us at 702-772-6449 or send us your message online. We’ll happily accommodate you!